So, CSX recently within the last week tore down the old LS&MS/NYC station in Ashtabula which is my home town. There were efforts made to save it by a few different groups but nothing came of it. I guess some rule that it has to be 25 feet back from the tracks, and it was 7 feet in some places. It wasn't maintained and pieces flew off during the winter and CSX was slowing trains down as they went by due to feat the vibrations would knock it down.
I wanted to get a close approximation of it for the layout when I finally get around to putting up a new one. Any suggestions for what may be close or suitable stand in for it? Very Similar to both the Conneaut and Painesville stations. I looked at a few stations models and didn't think they fit to well.
Thank you for any suggestions/leads on this. I'm not really a scratch builder so I don't know if something like that would be really in the cards.
Pictures attached:
Main Passenger Station