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Thak you for the alert.  I did not know, and I look forward to them.  I'm not sure where I will put them - have run out of real estate on my layout, but I paln to order all three and find somewhere for them to go.


Interesting, too, to study them in detail.  The gas station shares many small parts and components with some previous built ups, particularly the bike shop (fence, tank, etc.  WS is building up such an inventory of "legos" to build from that it makes for many creative ways to recombine them into other nice buildings. 

Originally Posted by Lee Willis:


Interesting, too, to study them in detail.  The gas station shares many small parts and components with some previous built ups, particularly the bike shop (fence, tank, etc.  WS is building up such an inventory of "legos" to build from that it makes for many creative ways to recombine them into other nice buildings. 

From my work in the plastic model hobby I have learned some things that explain why these parts are so easily shared. 

When molds were cut in the US for a kit the vast majority of the time it was cut as a single or maybe 2 molds. When we went to China to cut molds the vendor there thought it was more economical to cut maybe ten small molds rather the the one or two.  So by doing this way the 'kit' becomes modular and easy to split and share between different kits.  There are other benefits to small molds like quick set up and not needing a crane to move molds but rather 2 guys....what the Chinese prefer......basically keeping it simple!  


The Factory looks good to me....depends on cost. BUT....WS plez run the HO scale Bank building in O....PLEZ!

Thanks David for the information and the pictures.  I have been looking on the Menards site for several weeks in hopes they would have an announcement.  I have all six of Woodllands Scenics earlier offerings and am fascinated by the amount of detail.  I love all six of them and will probably get these also and "Just do it" as it applies to finding a home for them.  I love old gas stations and am always in the market for industrial buildings.


What a great time to be be in O gauge or O scale.


Happy railroading,


I will also note that I saw the 6 built-ups that have already-been-produced in kit form this past weekend.  Not sure I understand that, as I think part of the excitement of these is that they come RTR.  I'd rather pay the $50 price differential to have them built already.

While true and time and sales will tell, I am seriously considering a kit of Harrison's Hardware to tweek it! Afterall, Who needs TWO pre-assembled Harrison's on their layout?

Last edited by prrhorseshoecurve
Originally Posted by prrhorseshoecurve:

Who need TWO Harrison's on their layout?



I'm considering buying one or two of these kits because of all the small pieces that come with: 


The fact that I have five of the existing six built-ups on my layout now is not important: I would bash any kits and would come out looking very different.  (I've bought four of five or one particular Ameritown kit but they all look very different).  The WS kits come with the  basic building parts (wall panels etc.) that make them just as "bashable" as any other kit, but they also come with motorcycles, window flowerboxes and AC units, hardware store sidewalk displays, fresh produce displays, a dog on the sidewalk, dumpsters, trashcans, utility meter boxes and service down-conduits, fuel tanks at the bike shop, etc. - all that small stuff adds up to a lot of value and would be fun to work with, too.

I would like to see more building flats and especially the rears of building.   Real RRs do not usually run in front of buildings or more properly the buildings were built with their rears agains the tracks.   I don't have room on my layout for large footprint buildings, but I have lots of backdrop area where building flats of factory walls and the rears of apartment houses etc would fit well.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm seeing all of prrhorshoecurve's images as boxes with "?" marks in them.


Yeah, me too . . . no image


He needs to rehost the images, WS doesn't allow hotlinking as shown in this error.

Funny, Even now when I went onto this thread the pics did show up in my posts... oh well. hopefully I corrected with these links.NOT! OK they should be corrected now!


BTW, I also am in favor of Chips Ice House!














Images (4)
  • chips-ih1
  • chips-ih2
  • chips-ih3
  • chips-ih4
Last edited by prrhorseshoecurve
Originally Posted by prrjim:

I would like to see more building flats and especially the rears of building.   Real RRs do not usually run in front of buildings or more properly the buildings were built with their rears agains the tracks.   I don't have room on my layout for large footprint buildings, but I have lots of backdrop area where building flats of factory walls and the rears of apartment houses etc would fit well.

I am fortunate to have a band saw in my woodworking shop with a 12 inch height capacity and I cut a lot of MTH buildings so that I have a front with less depth and a two or three inch rear to place against the wall. It is like getting two buildings for the price of one.  I certain areas, I have cut houses at a 45 or 30 degree angle and place the two halves against the wall for a completely different looking backdrop building.


If you have a friend with a wood shop, more than likely they have a band saw. Maybe you could have them help you.  Just be aware of  where the metal screws and the light brackets are.  Also be advised that the blade will probably melt the plastic a little as it moves so keep the pressure and feed rate consistent.


Good luck and happy railroading,


Originally Posted by John23:

I like the name on the factory - Morrison's Doors.  How many here remember the 60's?


The department store & the factory will be coming home with me.  I would like to see their fire department building done in O scale too.

Yeah, I caught that and chuckled.  Cute.  It would be fun to do a bunch of similar businesses: Clapton's Creamery, Jefferson's Airplane Repairs, etc.. 

Originally Posted by dkdkrd:
Originally Posted by Lee Willis:
Originally Posted by John23:

I like the name on the factory - Morrison's Doors.  How many here remember the 60's?


Yeah, I caught that and chuckled.  Cute.  It would be fun to do a bunch of similar businesses: Clapton's Creamery, Jefferson's Airplane Repairs, etc.. 

...and Ringo's Subs sandwich shop.


There's deli called Yellow Submarine Sandwich Shop in South Lake Tahoe.

The new Woodland Scenics O scale buildings are now listed on the Menard's website.

The Menards versions differ in the graphics from the Woodland Scenics buildings but are essentially the same buildings.

There are three new buildings offered this year:

First off is what appears to be a building NOT made by Woodland Scenics (it's made of wood) but it looks every bit as good:

Camaraderie Bar & Grill  $89.99

Second is...

Menard Mercantile   $99.99  (Limited time offer)


And third is...

Mastercraft™ Door Factory     $99.99 (limited time)

All can be shipped to store for free or to your home for a fee.

Expected delivery is 4-6 weeks for the Bar and 6-8 weeks for the mercantile and factory.

I've ordered mine!

Regards to all,



Just noticed way at the end of the Menards listing they show the Original Woodland Scenics 

J.M. Shoe Cobbler Store

for a way discounted price of $59.99 only shipped to your home.

If you need one better act quickly.

Last edited by banjoflyer
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