Please excuse my ignorance here but am not familiar with the Ross remote control switches. Our club just acquired a double crossover with the Dz machines and the guy wiring them wants to put the control buttons at the far end of the layout with the transformer for the conventional operators. Can they be controlled by the AIU or SC-1?
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What model are the Z-Stuff machines: Z-1000 or Z-2500. The Z-1000 can be controlled by either the AIU or SCC1. The Z-2500 is TMCC ready and can be controlled directly by the Cab-1/2 using a Z-Stuff module attached to the base. Z-Stuff has wiring diagrams on their web site for many different configurations.
Ron, I'm not sure as I'm not familiar with them at all. Just saw it for the first time this evening...
The two systems are easy to tell apart; the Z-1000 uses a two button controller and is rectangular while the DZ-2500 uses a one button controller and is more square-ish. The Z-2500 can be programmed to act as a two button controller and be controlled by an AIU or SC-2. So, either one can be controller using either DCS or TMCC.
My memory is not what it used to be - just glanced at them for a minute and remember seeing 4 smallish buttons in the plastic envelop but I can't be certain...
Thanks Ron for your input and infor.
Sam No matter the motor type both can be controlled by an AIU.
The DZ 1000
The DZ2500 Just use the similar connection but use the non-derailing wires of the DZ2500 to connect to the AIU
The SC2 wiring for the DZ1000
Thanks a lot for the diagrams Ben. I'm sure we will use them!
How's driving the trains coming along?