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It just occurred to me, thumbing through the October/November issue of OGR, seeing the numerous stunning photos, that the Forum could include in its directory the above subject.

If Forum members commit to keeping all their comments positive, and I can assure you that I will, this idea could provide many testimonials which could be great for promoting both OGR Magazine and its On-Line Forum.

What do you think?


Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari
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Yesterday I received the Run 322 February/March issue in the mail, which I believe is outstanding.

It has articles and photos of great layouts, an uplifting and optimistic Editor's Corner article by Allan Miller about the state of our hobby, an interesting Team Track article about DCS by Dave Minarik, an amusing article entitled Mystery Box by Alan Arnold, among other things.

This is not a flimsy issue, but one with plenty of meat on the bone IMO.

Please feel free to share your own comments here about this issue of OGR Magazine.


Yesterday, I received in the mail the hard copy of the latest issue of OGR Magazine (Run 329 April/May 2023).

Now, I have a tendency to be passionate over the top when I see something I regard as outstanding. Maybe I'm this way because of the Italian in me, LOL, but truth be told, I'm a mutt, LOL again.

Keeping that in mind, and doing my best to restrain myself, I just can't do it.

IMO, Skip Natoli's NYC State of Mind article and photos are FANTASTIC, MAGNIFICENT, SUPERB . . .

Rather than go on and on with the general superlatives, I will now begin to be specific in my praise of this article.

First, being a lifetime New Yorker like Skip, the subject matter of his article and photos is the very best for me, particularly when he mentions The Put.

The scenery and structures (train stations, accessories, bridges, skyscrapers and other buildings) are magnificent IMO.

So too are the locomotives, train cars, motor vehicles, little people, tugboats and other boats. They are all magnificent.

Every scene in every photo is terrific.

I'm no expert in photography, but my untrained eye tells me that Skip's photography skills are top notch. All of the photos appear to me to have excellent subject matter, lighting, color, etc.

And, lastly, the article itself is, IMO, extremely well written.

Would love to hear from you folks whatever positive comments you can share about the contents of the latest issue, or a relatively recent issue, of our beloved OGR Magazine which, among other things, has made our beloved OGR On-Line Forum a reality.


Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari

I agree Arnold, Skip's article "A New York State of Mind" was outstanding.

While I am a "dyed in the wool" PRR fan, I nevertheless appreciate the wonder and majesty of NY City and the NYC and their respective fascinating history as it relates to both prototype and model railroading. I have all the past articles on Skip's layouts, including his Dept 56 layout displays of yesteryear.

Going on a tangent a bit, it'd be very cool to watch a well-done video of Skip's NYC layout; especially if it was made with narration that highlighted the various scenes and structures, with videography done at various angles, including track level, kind of tour via a train and story-telling, in the tradition of what Allen Keller had accomplished with his top-shelf video layout tours. Videos like this are likely expensive, certainly time-consuming to produce, which is probably why we don't see them very often.

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