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I have a MRC Diesel AC Sounder sound board. It has a tiny pancake type speaker rated at 4ohms, 2 watt. Does anybody know if the amplifier could handle the lower impedance of two speakers in parallel?

You probably can use a larger or more efficient speaker in a baffle but no- I would not go less than a total impedance of 4 Ohms.

In other words- fine, connect 2 8 Ohm speakers in parallel, or one larger 4 ohm speaker, but there is no safe combination with the original 4 Ohm tiny where you add a second speaker

Agreed.  In parallel, the amplifier is "seeing" 2 ohms.  Almost a direct short.  You run a significant risk of burning up the amp or at least the power transistor in there.  Get two 8 ohms and parallel them or look on Amazon for a good (but more expensive than the overseas junk) 4 ohm speaker.  They are heavier, so may require some support, but you will be happier with the sound and you won't blow the board.

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