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I am about to start building a layout and have received some great advice so far - thanks


I now want to start the control panel as I have a good plan for the layout and the panel I need.  I read in one of Peter Riddle's books about use peg board covered with white contact paper and it worked OK on my last layout.  This time, the toggles and push buttons I will likely buy are 1/2 inch diameter but the only peg board I found locally has 1/4 inch holes.  I can clearly drill the holes bigger but if I do that I should just start with plain board I think.


I did see on Amazon 1/4 inch think PVC with 1/2 inch holes (link below) - expensive, I would need to cut it down but I could reuse, the pre-drilled holes provide some structure.  Anyone try this? Is PVC sheet hard to work with?  


Other thoughts?



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Just my opinion, but save your money.  Get a plain piece of Masonite, steel or some other material and build your own.  If you prefer to use the larger switches requiring 1/2" holes and you do not have the tooling for that, then reach out on the forum.  There are some members here who have done some very nice work.  For example, check out the thread from Charlie Stoia, building his layout.  Charlie had his graphics done by one member on the forum and then Charlie did the rest of his own control panel.  No, Charlie does not build panels for others but there are members here who will.



This is from my layout I took down . Very basic. I'm trying to show you what Susan is sort of talking about.


This is just a yellow piece of poster board with the track of the law out drawn and traced with skinny craft tape. All from Michael's.


Then a piece of plexiglass played down and marked where the switches go.  Then drill the holes.


I hope I explained that without confusing you.


A hint*** don't try to drill the hoes in the paper. Use a razor knife or something like that.


good luck






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