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I've seen some posts on this forum for converting a tender board but curious if you can convert subway cars also?

I have some PS32 5v stacker boards and I have one locosounds subway that I'd love to upgrade to PS2 if I can, besides swapping out the speaker to a 4 ohm one it looks like I might need to change some pinouts on the cables? Is there anything else I'll need to do? Any suggestions on where I can find the pinouts and rewire/crimp the connector correctly?

Documentation or links to tools are definitely appreciated! Right now the only docs I'm going off of are the PS2 diesel upgrade kit ones

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The PS/2 diesel upgrade document will match the PS32 stacker board, that's an excellent reference for your purposes.  The PS32 board was specifically designed to replace the PS/2 boards.

As for crimp tools, I use the Engineer PA-09 crimp tool, it's the best low cost tool for these connectors I've found.  The connectors for 5V PS/2 are the Hirose DF3 series, and the matching female contacts are DF3 Female Contacts.  The first couple in the listing are the contacts I use, typically I'm cheap so I use the tin ones.

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