I use Atlas track and run both cars with regular claw and Kadee couplers on my layout. I use transition cars with a claw and one end and a Kadee at the other all the time. It works well even with passenger cars. My minimum radius is O-72.
Most of my cars with Kadee couplers also have scale wheels. The Kadees are body mounted. I find that the Kadee coupler equipped cars are better for switching.
A typical train will have the engine followed by a car with claw couplers at both ends, followed by a transition car, followed by a series of cars with scale wheels and Kadees at both ends, followed by a transition car, followed by a caboose. I haven't gotten around to converting my caboose fleet to Kadee couplers yet. I eventually plan to have a Kadee on one end of the caboose and a claw on the other end.