I spiced up some original lionel o scale canisters (orange in color) with some custom printed vinyl letters that my neighbor has a printer for. On one side I had "Happy Halloween" and the other side "Trick or Treat". I figured this would be a good idea, having a different sayings on each side. The sayings are pretty wide so stacking them next to each other isnt recommended. The jack o lantern version would be ok stacked to each other. And I obviously had them designed so the letters/symbol can be seen when it is inside a gondola.
I Wanted to see what interest there were in these, I plan to put them on the for sale section when I get back from business travel the last week of Sept. I still have 12 blank factory new orange canisters if anyone is interested in a custom saying. Or I could just have more made based on what version is more popular. However, a custom saying may not be ready until Oct 21. Since these are vinyl and not a decal the letters are raised If you run your finger across it, you will feel the raised lettering Just wanted to make that clear, these are outdoor quality vinyl and last years and temperature changes. the vinyl is also meant to be dishwasher safe, not that you would run canisters thru a dishwasher haha. These are Also the same qulity vinyl lettering that goes on vehicles and mailboxes.
I did some quality control on a non Halloween vinyl letter item by leaving it in a hot car for a few days in August and putting one in a refrigerator for a few days. No raised or bubbled lettering occurred
I think the jack o lAntern is pretty neat. Pricing will be about $7-$8 each, mainly since the letters had to be designed, printed, and applied by hand. I have several of the trick or treat/happy halloween and 4 of the jack o lantern which will be ready to ship the last week of Sept. Reserve yours now if interested!
if there is interest in these, I may try the same with some coil covers. Which brings me to another topic. My Local hobby shop suggested a gloss spray paint, then lettering, then a flat finish. My neighbor who does the vinyl printing just said use flat because the letters stick to anything, even wood and metal. I tried gloss and did not like it. Even after spraying a gondola with gloss, 3 days letter in non humid weather (below 60 percent humidity) it was still tacky and smudgy to fingerprints. So i am sticking with flat. Does anyone have recommendations / suggestions on gloss. Vs flat before applying decals/lettering. I don't think it is necessary to apply a Clear finish to these halloween items but guess I could try?
feedbacks and interest is appreciated.