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I have been away from the OGR boards for a while. I remember there was a guy who was in business doing custom-paint work on O-scale stuff, and there were lots of photos of some really beautiful work.
Is this guy (was it Jeff____something???) sorry, are you...
still in the business?
Thanks for any help.

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I noticed the other day that at the bottom of the advertisement for the dealer, Ready-To-Roll, Miami, FL, they offer custom painting by "JIMBO".


I know nothing about this individual, have never had any custom work done by him.  But, I would assume others on The Forum do and, hopefully, will chime in with more specifics.


This thread asks a common question we receive at the store (LHS), most often re HO trains.   I've noted that at least one of our hobby's periodicals publishes from time-to-time a concentration of ads specific to a certain oft-requested service.  The one that comes to mind is 'Layout Design and Construction'.  It has been an excellent resource for us to reference to our customers when asked 'Do you know where/who...?'


I hope this sort of an advertisement compilation might occur someday soon re custom painting/finishing...Engines, cars, structures, different scales, backgrounds, etc.. 


I sometimes wonder if this might be a 'dying' service in this hobby for a variety of reasons??



I think it really is a dying science.  Mostly because the world we live in now, the manufacturers have been doing an ok job providing not only the number of road numebrs per roadname, but more roadnames as well.


Not so much with the first issue of the TMCC-equipped RS-11s, one was all we got... hence the renumbering.  Once this is over, I will tell you what a pain it has been and how I will never be doing something this stupid again.


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