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Dear rnd,  in the dcs premium app can we get more engine control in a lashup. Such as momentum settings like the de acceleration and acceleration  fuctions. Speed limit setting. Plus individual volume control for engine, bell and horn sounds. A bit of a stretch here,but could you go as far as individual control for sounds in each engine in the lashup. This would realy make running lashups much more user freindly. Thanks.

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Plus individual volume control for engine, bell and horn sounds. A bit of a stretch here,but could you go as far as individual control for sounds in each engine in the lashup. This would realy make running lashups much more user freindly

This is already included using either the DCS Remote or the DCS App.

 Just bring up each member unit while the lashup is started up and running, and you can change member engine settings and play individual sounds.

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Last edited by Barry Broskowitz

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