I have enough envelopes for the next two batches, but I may try the ones you posted here and see what happens. When I got the ones I have now, I hadn't really thought about shipping until all the parts were here and things were ready to go. Then, oh dear, what am I gonna put these in? Spur of the moment thing... Once I get everything streamlined I'll probably never have anything to ship again.
I looked at the Paypal and I think I'll try it for the next batch. I'll do a dry run with one just to see what it costs and go from there. They ship UPS too, that's nice for bigger things. I suppose they would have to, but I presume the USPS will accept the Paypal rates without any problems? Sure beats stamps!
Also. I guess you use full sheet labels with the sticky on the back? I have a bunch of labels left over from when we moved a few years ago, but they are like 2" x 4" or so and I don't think the printer will like those. Don't think I've printed a label since I had a dot matrix printer...Used to print labels for 5.25" floppies back in the day.