Norton posted:John, note on the thread where the member blew up his bell board that his version did not have Legacy common, only frame ground. maybe that would work with an R4LC?? Something worth checking when you get all of your boards. I know on the bell board I am using it did require Legacy common that the RCDR did provide.
BTW I was also wondering if the requirement that the bell board would only work with Legacy is because of the signal common requirement or the 9 bit data requirement?
Pete, I see there are a couple versions of the bell board, and I suspect that could be a difference. I'm going to have to trace these out and see how the serial data is received.
I'm almost positive Legacy only issue is the 9-bit data, several older Legacy models have the bell board with the R4LC and DC ground common with frame ground. I just wonder if the newer version of the board changes the input circuit for the serial data. If there's an opto-isolator on the input, it could work for both, that's what the Legacy-Lite RS board has.
This is the circuit that's on the old ERR Sound Converter, note that it supplies both isolated and non-isolated serial data capability. Could be all of these have isolated serial data, I'll have to check.