Ok, some of this (but not all of it) is coming back to me, kind of like calculus, once you resume it after years hiatus you find yourself remembering various tricks, and some other aspects you're back to the books.
Correct me on this: if I run a buss wire then I should install center-rail insulators?
If I do expand the existing wiring from central terminal strip (star wiring) in the layout expansion - around the room - and because have some decent long runs ~ 45 feet between a lift out bridge on one end and 45 degree crossings on the other (this is by its nature a block) - can I install just one feeder wire (from terminal strip) to that length of track or how many (old rule of thumb was feeders every 7-8 track connections)? And, from what I am reading thus far, center rail insulators are a good idea but may not be necessary?
Matt said: "At the ends of the buss itself, you should consider installing to prevent bounce-back at the end of the buss. The ends of the buss wires should not be connected into a circle, but should be terminated using "snubbers" aka "Deats Filters".
What are these things, never heard of them?
BTW: am using Ross track.