Several months ago the slack coal conveyor at Old King Coal Company #1 on the new Duckunder Terminal Railway disappeared overnight. Seriously. One morning it just wasn't there.
Tornado? Aliens? A kleptomaniac who came to see the layout and just HAD to have a souvenir? George Lasley and I could not figure out what the heck happened. We both figured it had been removed by one of us for some forgotten reason and placed under the layout somewhere just waiting to be found. After all, it was a rather large piece that connected the main tipple to the external slack coal tank. Surely it would magically reappear one day.
That never happened, though, and so the mine owner (that would be me) commissioned Mr. Lasley to build a replacement. While he was at it, George realized that Old King Coal #1 needed another conveyor for the waste rock (that is, non-coal) picked out from the sorting trays and screens inside the tipple. George also connected power to the tipple (3-phase), which we'd never gotten around to installing, and to the company town (single phase transformers to the store, houses, and the station).
Pictures below give eye level and bird's eye perspectives. Note that some photos at the OKC tipple show the new conveyors but are prior to the electrical hookups.