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I added a tmcc engine and it went to address 38 when there are addresses below 38 that are open, so I will have to reset the remote to get the missing addresses.

AS my friend Joe Allen pointed out, a TMCC engine should add at the lowest available remote ID. Somethings drastically wrong if the TMCC engines are adding above open IDs.A remote reset should fix your problem but I can't see how you can avoid re -adding all your switches and accessories.

When you clone a remote doesn't it get reset along the process. I just forget

How many IDs are missing?? .

If you have quite a few engines it can be a pain but what's worse might be the switches and accessories. HMMM .. maybe just clone the switches & accessories for back up and add the engines back the old hard way, well, it's not really that hard. we use a programming track & line up the 6 or 7 remotes and start adding making sure the engines have the same ID in each remote and that they will start up again after a layout shut down.
Well after about 6 hours of re entering all my track,accessories,swithes and engines into the remote that was reset I have been re addressing engines to use up open address loations in the roster.
In the process I made a revelation,
you cannot change an address of an engine unless it is on a track that is directly connected to the TIU to which it was orignaly addressed through, super mode of the TIU'S doesn't work in this situation, surprize, surprize.
I just thought I would throw that out here as more info for anyone else, but I know what Barry's response will be.
What is the problem then, why can't I re address engines through super mode on the TIU'S?

I'm not sure why you can't. I been advocating using a programming track for years now on the forum . I'm an experienced super mode runner with 4 tiu on a big layout wired pretty much to Barry's wiring suggestions. If you use a dedicated programming track I'm sure you'll be able to Edit the address of any engine.

A programming track can be a siding or any piece of track that has a good track signal and the rest of the layout is dead or all the engines have been removed from the layout. You only want the engine you're trying to add or edit receiving power.

We add to tiu #1 and actually kill power to tiu 2,3 &4 just in case there is an engine sitting around someplace. Go for it.
Yes I know you can actually add a few engine without a programming track but as you get more engines it'll eventually bite you.
What is the problem then, why can't I re address engines through super mode on the TIU'S?
1. You're doing something wrong or
2. Your DCS is hosed up.

Go back to basics:
• Reset all the TIUs and remotes
• Set all TIUs to Super mode in all remotes
• Re-add everything.

At this point, I think you're all out of shortcuts.
All engines have been re added through Tiu 1 or Tiu 2 depending upon which block they on. To clarify if an engine was added on block that was powered Tiu variable output 1 and has traveled to a block powered by Tiu 2 variable 2 and I decide to change the address in this block, the response on the remote is either it doesn't change the address or the engine is not on the track. The TIU'S are in super mode so maybe they are not communicating?
Hi Jon,

I would make a copy just in case the reset doesn't resolve your issues. That would allow you to get back to where you are, however imperfect that may be.

However, to do a valid test you MUST reset a remote and begin adding everything back from scratch. Go ahead and make a copy just in case, but do as Barry advised a couple posts ago. Anything less than a remote reset and starting from scratch is a waste of time.
All engines have been re added through Tiu 1 or Tiu 2 depending upon which block they on.

We add to tiu #1 and actually kill power to tiu 2,3 &4 just in case there is an engine sitting around someplace. Go for it.
Yes I know you can actually add a few engine without a programming track but as you get more engines it'll eventually bite you.

Looks to me you been bitten, the serious super mode bug that Dave is working on doesn't help either... good luck.
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