quote:I added a tmcc engine and it went to address 38 when there are addresses below 38 that are open, so I will have to reset the remote to get the missing addresses.
AS my friend Joe Allen pointed out, a TMCC engine should add at the lowest available remote ID. Somethings drastically wrong if the TMCC engines are adding above open IDs.A remote reset should fix your problem but I can't see how you can avoid re -adding all your switches and accessories.
When you clone a remote doesn't it get reset along the process. I just forget
How many IDs are missing?? .
If you have quite a few engines it can be a pain but what's worse might be the switches and accessories. HMMM .. maybe just clone the switches & accessories for back up and add the engines back the old hard way, well, it's not really that hard. we use a programming track & line up the 6 or 7 remotes and start adding making sure the engines have the same ID in each remote and that they will start up again after a layout shut down.