Have a FEF locomotive that has a distinct interference/buzzing or whining noise coming from the SPEAKER when the smoke unit is turned on, anyone else ever have this issue? Is there an easy fix?
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Are you sure it's not the smoke unit itself? I have some noisy smoke units.
Yes I am sure this is a feedback noise through the speaker. I used my automotive stethoscope and can definitely pin point the noise to the tender speaker not the smoke unit.
Model number so we have some clue what electronics we might be dealing with. PS1, Locosound, PS2 5V, PS2 3V, PS3?
Guess I should put on my learning hat. I don't know much about feedback/interference.
Ps 2 30-1484-1. Its not a big deal as I seldom fun smoke but it is an interesting issue.
Odd, that sounds like the fan motor is somehow feeding back through the 5V line. Could be it's drawing too much current?
Make sure all your electrical connections are tight and secure. Re-seat any connectors to be sure - especially between the engine and tender. It may not be the smoke unit fan itself, but circuitry that drives the fan with some sort of pulse or waveform instead of pure DC.
Reposition the speaker wire so it routes through the tender differently as much as possible. If possible try twisting the two speaker leads to make a braid. This is an easy thing to try and it may attenuate the noise.
3V engine. Check speaker is not flaking some 4 ohm star speakers did. Change smoke fan motor. See if that makes it go away. G