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I used to use some of the my old office architectural models that we built at 1/8" to run HO trains around back when we still hand built models.  Unfortunately several moves later those have all been recycled. 

I was an avid role game player until I graduated college.  Similar to the architectural models, most of my gaming stuff had been condensed to a few books or passed on to others. 

What makes this hobby great though is that you enjoy it and that is the only thing that matters!

This was my first such effort. My thinking is: learn some of the skills the war gamers use to build their terrain and structures, then apply some of those skills to a few O Gauge buildings and/or scenery. 

It was a fun project. Total build time was about ten hours.  

0D2E9C90-F531-4BC4-8DFD-23F8C55C5998Started with blue foam insulation  4A4AAEE9-9C7C-4E43-94A8-70B7850BED71Free hand design “on the fly”!70EB7B71-6C5E-4A3E-9378-B9CCFD870286paint...FB8072D9-027A-4437-BE4B-43AD3438213BThe interior was too “bright “. 
5924CF30-B0FA-46ED-9864-BEC55AAFD4A1Basic weathering with a wash toned down the color. 


Images (5)
  • 0D2E9C90-F531-4BC4-8DFD-23F8C55C5998
  • 4A4AAEE9-9C7C-4E43-94A8-70B7850BED71
  • 70EB7B71-6C5E-4A3E-9378-B9CCFD870286
  • FB8072D9-027A-4437-BE4B-43AD3438213B
  • 5924CF30-B0FA-46ED-9864-BEC55AAFD4A1
Last edited by Rick Bivins

Most of my layout is real world, but being a huge fan of The Blue Comet, I can't have that without the Pine Barrens, and I can't have that without some representation of the Jersey Devil. To keep it no so scary for the kids, I use a more comical looking dragon, sort of muppet style.

Also, I have a set of Monopoly buildings from Department 56 that I will be using when I make room.

It's interesting to travel from reality to fantasy by train. And many places real trains operate are full of legends, especially in Europe. This is a great way of adding those legends to our hobby.

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