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I'm building a double track mainline using O82 and O72 Fastrack curves. 


What are the recomended clearances and spacing for the tracks?


Minimum height and width for a single track tunnel?


Minimum height and width for a double track tunnel?


Minimum height clearance for a underpass?


Inside track spacing width for a MTH O 2- Track Steel Arch Bridge?




Jim Miller

Havre de Grace Maryland

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I'll tackle the first question. A standard 072 & 084 Fastrack mainline separated using 2 switches and a 1.37" piece will yield a 6" center rail to center rail spacing. Depending on your rolling stock, that should leave enough room for clearance on curves.




The other minimum height & clearance questions can be answered by folks with experience with over passes and bridges.




Images (1)
  • 072_084

Fastrack is designed for 6" spacing between tracks.  That is why the diameters of the curves come in 12" increments and the spacing when using 2 switches in a crossover is 6".  If you can get 6" high off the track, that is optimal.  In a pinch 5" will usually work, depending on the height of your highest equipment of course.

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