Fastrack layout. Worked fine, but now a dead spot. Checked connections. Changed track. Still loco stops in the same spot. Anyway to test track? Any solutions? Thanks guys.
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1st how are you running, conventional or P2/P3, you may have a signal dead spot area.
VB take meter and check ohm's between each track if it gets good ohm's its good if not getting any ohm's bend your center pin inward on both pieces.
Although your track may be connected, the track might not have electrical continuity. Lionel made this video last month showing how to fix this.
Hope it helps!
That is a very good video for anyone getting into fastrack. I also think the tip on using a meter is good basic information.
I'll give Lionel a pat on the back again for another excellent video help.
Had similar problem and an electrician friend used his meter and found that the offending section of Fastrack had much lower current, and was not steady. A poor connection between sections. Also, my Legacy locos seem much happier, smoke better, and run flawlessly with power connections no more than 5 feet apart. I have run much larger loops of Fastrack, like 12 to 15 feet, but had mucho problemos. They ain't kiddin' when they say "clean your track and have frequent power connections."
Today all is happy.
Thank you thank you thank you. You guys helped me fix the problem. The Lionel video was great. Now my four year old grandson can be here Easter and see it run for the first time. I can't thank you members enough for your help.