Today I finally got the motivation to add the coal breaker to the layout. I have been working on this kit on and off from way back in June and only now am I able to finally have enough scenery and track work complete to add it to the layout. I still have a lot of work to do but being able to place structures allows you to envision the final scene.
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That's going to be fantastic!
Thanks. .. It has been a fun project. What really lit the fire under my butt to get it on the layout was that it was being stored on top of my wife's china cabinet. She finally told to me to get it on the layout or it would disappear by Friday!! Didn't want to chance it especially on Halloween. So here it is with two days to spare. lol
Nice project!
In the mid 70's, when coal was making a resurgence, my uncle bought an abandoned breaker in PA, and I worked there the Summers of '76 "77 & '78.
Your scene reminds me that coal breaker.
Looking good, George.
GEF it look's good hope you have room for a yard for the coal breaker , I have one to I put it next to my mountain with a yard next to it .
Wigville, Your breaker and yard look great! I like the look with all the empty hoppers next to it. I don't think I am going to have that much space to achieve that look. Mine will be more of a smaller operation with only two tracks. Later down the road I might be able to add another two holding spurs. I don't to want sacrifice the viewing area in room. Being that the center of my layout is open. There could be three operators standing in the center. Just have to see how it plays out.
Looking good!
Nice looking, and a great layout, too. Love the wind turbines.
It's looking real nice.
Very nice, this sure adds to your layout. Wonderful focal point.
GEF....very nice model and looks like a fantastic layout in the works....
Looks great, GEF! Its a really nice looking facility!
(I have train stuff around my house, too ... that drives me wife slightly crazy. Lol)
Nice fleet of WM hoppers, Guy!
Aaaahhh - that Reading Anthracite herald is a grand sight, indeed! Adds something special to that fine model of a breaker. Here is a photo of a Reading & Northern hopper with an updated Reading AMERICA'S / LARGEST / ANTHRACITE / CARRIER paint scheme. The R&N has 6 or 7 of these cars now. A few of these would look great at that breaker!
You gained a breaker on you layout, and we lost one here in Ashley The Huber breaker home of Blue Coal came down in April. Yours looks great, and hopefully it will be spared the wrecking ball for years to come.