OK, all you electrical gurus, i need help. I have a sign i built that is back lit with 10 5mm red LED's, wired in parallel, powered at 9 - 12 volts DC (from an AC source via a full wave bridge rectifier) that draws an indicated .77 Amps total. Well having searched the internet for a suitable adjustable flasher, and then from plans (also found on the internet) made several attempts at building my own flasher, l now give up. So far all i have is about 4 or 5 failures to show for my efforts and a few smoked transistors.Help!! It seems that there should be a device (very simple & inexpensive) which could be built with a few off the shelf (Mouser, Digi-Key) components.
Any ideas folks? GRJ, Norton, Stan2004, Dale H or others care to offer suggestions?
Thanks in advance