Originally Posted by Alex W:
Might be a spacer for steam loco linkage. Check any steamers to make sure none of the linkage is detached.
--I initially thought this was a bushing/spacer between the driver linkage, but could not find parts missing from the driver linkage of the recently run engines.
Originally Posted by David Johnston:
Lionel did use sintered steel axle bearings on a few items. If you are running magne-traction locomotives, that part could have been stuck to the magnet for years, maybe even from the factory.
--I don't have any magna-traction era equipment; all is modern-era.
Originally Posted by Chuck Sartor:
It looks like a coupler spacer, working on any diesel couplers lately?
--I checked half of the recently run diesels but did not notice missing coupler spacers.
Thanks for the replies.
To add to the available information here's a list of what has been recently run (last 30 days) on this track:
- Lionel Lionmaster T-1 w/ Legacy
- Atlas GP60M w/ TMCC
- Lionel RS11 w/ TMCC
- Williams E-7 A-A
- Williams BL-2
To further add, I checked over the track with a multimeter to see if there were any electrical shorts evident or areas of high resistance, but found none. I placed the Lionel T-1 back on the track and slowly ran the engine and the engine tripped the breaker in the same spot as before. After resetting the breaker, I replaced the T-1 with the RS11 and ran that around the track without any problems.
I looked again at the Lionmaster T-1 and noticed that the front driver set seemed extra loose and wobbly. A closer look of the front driver set showed that the screw was almost completely backed out (see photos below). The one wheel from the front driver and the truck's pickup roller showed slight marking from the electrical short arc. Can the part pictured above be part of this Lionmaster T-1's truck/motor assembly?
I am hoping not to have to remove the T-1's shell, but I have a feeling that is not meant to be...