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The grocery store now has arrows in the aisles. 

... and true to form, no one follows them!

Make use of your years of practice avoiding crop dusters and other offensive people going the wrong way.... and the grocery store never has that thing you’re looking for either!

Never thought York would have a real world application...
Stay safe everyone!



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Last edited by Boilermaker1
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Boilermaker1 posted:

The grocery store now has arrows in the aisles. 

... and true to form, no one follows them!


Our store, also. 

But, as my wife quickly pointed out, what's missing is that unforgettable voice over the York-wide PA system every few minutes reminding everyone of "The Rules".......not that it was any more effective in achieving its goal, mind you.

I recall a forum limerick verse that referenced this bit of Yorkery...

She picked up the mike and opined,

“Once again I must harp and remind!

Because they are narrow,

The aisles have an arrow,

Obey them, or else prove you’re blind!”


PLCProf posted:

Aw shucks. I thought this thread was going to be about SCRAPPLE!

Dangit, now you got me jonesing for scrapple! 

colorado hirailer posted:

My bank has arrows on the floor, too, and a uniformed ossifer to enforce them and an assured, clear, distance.

Two bits sez all the masks the customers are wearing gives 'em the heebie-jeebies... 

prrhorseshoecurve posted:

YEah! I thought so too! I was hoping for a display of Scrapple cans or stacks in the reefer isle.

PLCProf posted:

Maybe we need a Habersett reefer car in honor of the sacrifice of April 2020 York meet......

Would you settle for SPAM? 




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rattler21 posted:

Traffic studies have found that four times the number of automobiles can be handled via one way streets versus the same total number of lanes on two way streets.  John

Based on my trips to York, it's less about the number of lanes than it is about the size and condition of the vehicles.

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