I have a PS-1 locomotive that hasn't been on the rails in a long time. I there anything I need to be aware of before turning the power on?
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yes first - what is the locomotive (product number) will help?
If the battery is white in color - throw it out and replace with a new 9 v0lt battery or BCR (Battery Capacitor Replacement). The drive wheel gears might need lubrication prior to use.
That's a BCR or rechargable NiMH ( Nickle Metal Hydride ) 9V battery for a permanent replacement. Don't use an alkaline 9V for more than a short test.
Bruce and Jet,
The Unit is an NH EL-33, cab number 305, MTH 30-2518-0. The point about lubrication is a good reminder. I have a Protosound battery (501008 ) I got as a result of a mail-order miss-pick, Just have to get a 9 volt charger for it.
The MTH 30-2518-0 is a Locosound engine, it has no battery.
Gunrunner John,
Thanks. That will simplify getting it back into service. Just have to lube it and replace the traction tire, which came off eons ago when I last ran it.