Your dad and mine must have gone to the same school. That was exactly what my dad said, and I thank him for it! Not that the three rail stuff is all that bad. Heck, they're all nice, it's just that I MUCH prefer S. And my three guys are following the same two rail path. My two year old grandson already knows how to operate a floor layout featuring a Hudson and three heavyweights. One of the first things he wants to do when he comes over. Gotta raise them right!
With all the sn*w falling today, a second, and probably third cup of coffee is definitely called for. I've been in my hobby room trying to finish and paint a few projects that have been in the process way too long.
If any of you guys are ever in SE Michigan, look me up. We can always toss back a few "coffees" while training.... Perhaps visit Greenfield Village where I work. One of three steam trains is usually running, and I can get us a ride.... gratis!
Jerry Poniatowski
Digging Out in Wayne, MI