Recently shorted a GP20 via a derailment. Burnt wires inside. purchased a diesel upgrade kit and replaced the 8 and 16 pin wiring harnesses and the main board. Got all functions connected and working however I had a small blip when setting the loco on what I thought was a dead track, Now I cannot start the loco via the remote and the remote does not recognized the engine. Reread track and tried to add the engine anew but still no success. Error messaage is "
Engine not on Track" which is not the case. I assume I have fried the circuit board as there are no burnt wires. I do not know of anything else that could be the problem. Any suggestions would be appreciated and is there any way to check those boards out. and can they be salvaged. I guess the engine is history as those upgrade kits ae over 200.00. I suppose I can pull the guts out of the loco and use it as a dummy.