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With Halloween approaching and given that Halloween train-related items are as much if not more fun than Christmas items, let's pool together and share any scary, monster, ghost, Halloween, etc. scenes and/or trains.

At the news of the recently announced Halloween Legacy F19 Pacific and at the last full moon, the Wolfman was seen on the roof of Guiseppi's Italian Restaurante. He was obviously excited, howling his lungs out. Hopefully he'll be content with the train and won't make a meal of the patrons , that would be very bad for business



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  • Wolfman
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I suppose I read way too many Steven King books as a teenager and young man, nevertheless I know there's other ghost/horror genre fans in toy trainland...where are you guys and gals...share your Halloween creations.

Here's a project I completed last year. Poor Mr. Whitaker, out to take an evening stroll and pick up a Hershey's bar at the corner drug store, unaware of what has become of his town...and what is just around the corner and within the now decrepit establishment. I hope he'll be able to fend off those fiends with his trusty wooden cane.



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Last edited by Paul Kallus

I shared these under the re-purposing Menards buildings thread, yet in the spirit of Halloween they deserve to be seen here . fyi, I replaced the commodes and other bathroom equipment with coffins, same with the rotating mechanism seen on upper left. I also gave this building a dark wash for extra creepy effect



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With All Hallows Eve approaching I have on hand 2 bags of Nestle Crunch, 3 bags of Baby Ruth, 1 bag of Goldenberger Peanut Chews (a Philly tradition), and two cases of Chunky bars (my favorite) - they're small cases. I've already made considerable dents in all of them, though there should be plenty left for kids on Halloween. Some of these photos may be repeats from the Triplex brochure thread, where I got excited about the Halloween Triplex and went to town as they say. First pictures are of Dept. 56 Addams Family house; a couple of train men have wondered out of the depot to investigate strange goings on.



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Last edited by Paul Kallus

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