G has some great info. The only thing I could add with my limited experience, is that PS3 lighting has been all over the place since it's release. The mapping has changed with each model or catalog release, I swear!
So guaranteeing any light outputs is tough. I've had to load a certain file that I liked, and then move the lights to what was active.
There have been several occasions where I did not get all the light functions to match the softkeys for control.
I also should add that I have not installed a PS3/2 board myself. Only different PS3 variations (5 or 6 Now?).
I apologize for any interruptions Chuck!. I'm not sure that I'm telling you anything you do not already know!
I've had much better luck more recently with PS3 files activating all the light outputs. I believe most of that is from advanced files from MTH becoming available, and advanced info being shared from GGG and Marty F. (and Barry)
So I'd like to take the opportunity to thank them again! ... and MTH for making this possible! ( I believe at first, they were not going to make the upgrade kit's lighting fully functional? Great that it changed to full access)
...and finally to you too Chuck, for helping me in the past.