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I have three z stuff signals, DZ 1050v-2v two head signal DZ1050v single head signal and DZ1065v target signal.
Two head signal has red black yellow green orange white wires.
Single head has red black yellow white wires.
Target signal has red black white yellow wires.
Are there any updated instructions for these signals? The z stuff site has no mention of the green orange gray wires. Trying to get the lower head to change aspects rather than stay on red constantly.


Images (6)
  • EA051608-2AEF-49DE-9382-C70974AF8A78
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Last edited by AlanOGauge
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Red and Black are 12 to 20 volt power to the signal.   

The remaining three wires, are designed to hook to a normally open (NO)/normally closed (NC) switch with one of the wires a common wire.   DZ provides, a 1008 relay that couples with the DZ1000 switch (motor).  The DZ 1008 relay operates the signal.   

If you touch the white and yellow, or white and blue, together, the signal should change color.   

Last edited by Mike CT

As we all know already red is hot black is ground. Got a quick response from z stuff after a phone call, it would not surprise me if future packaging explains the additional wire colors.
On the two head signal orange is input green is output.
On the single head signal yellow is input white is output.
White of one signal connected to yellow of the other controls holding one on yellow until the other goes off red, as explained in the directions.
Adding the orange into the mix controls the lower head.
And I think there is another combo that will have the lower head flash.

Alan - depends on how you want to operate the signals.
If you are using the built in IR sensor then all you need do is connect the red wire to power and the black wire to ground. If you want to connect to a independent sensor like the 1070 or 1075, Lionel or MTH detectors then the wiring becomes more involved. You can even connect all the signals in tandem so that one detector controls all signals. Please tell me how you want to hook them up so I can better help you.


For informational purposes - the new Z-Stuff designs with a -V in the title means the time delay for the signal can be programmed.  Standard is 4 seconds from red to ywllo and about 2-3 seconds from yellow to green.

TIME DELAY - The time between indications can be set to 1 to 60 sec. Hold the YEL & WHT wires
together before power is applied. Turn on power (signal flshes 1/sec.) and hold YEL to WHT for desired
delay. Remove WHT from YEL after the delay time you desire. Turn off power. When power is turned back
on the delay you set will be the delay between each signal indication.

Got around to figuring this out the other day. The lower head is controlled by the orange and green wires. DZ 1070 can be used or daisy chained with another signal.
Found an excellent video that explains this in plain English, need to figure out how to post the link. It’s geared toward single head signals although technically the principle applies to dual head signals.
Think this will work.

Last edited by AlanOGauge

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