1. The busted knuckle box car
This could be made by using an electro- coupler that will randomly disconnect and then retract into or underneath the boxcar somehow. It would only be able to be reset after the boxcar had stopped moving. This is similiar to how the hot box reefer works. Sounds and motion detection could all be hidden inside the boxcar. Should be plenty of space. On/off switch should also be included.
2. The blown turbo diesel with detachable damage panels
This one I think woul be really neat. It's not going to shoot fire out the stack but it would be super cool if it did!!!! For this effect I am thinking its a randomly programmed feature where the diesel would be running normal when at some point random trouble sounds could be heard. If the engine is left in motion the sounds progress to the point where a loud bang is heard. The smoke unit could be programmed for optimum output at that time or even a secondary smoke unit activates to create tons of trouble smoke. The engine then powers down until the fire is put out. This again is a feature similiar to the hot box reefer. The interchangeable damage panels could be then placed on the body of the diesel. Attached are photos of Hasbro's 1987 gi joe cobra rattler jet that has interchangeable damage panels.
What do you guys think? We gotta give the fireman in the cab something to do right?