Over my main work bench I have a wall cabinet that stands on the floor. It has open spaces on each end for plugged in tools like sabre saw, solder gun, 3 electric drills and Dremel Moto tools (4) to reduce changing bits. I only use the right side for the plugged in tools since I am right handed. The peg board section is 44 inches wide and the end shelves are 12 inches wide.
There are 12 electrical outlets on the cabinet and 4 more below as well at 4 under the work bench. All of these tools and outlets are within reach of my stool with a back at faces the work bench.
In the center of the cabinet are peg boards on the ends and middle. I have one main pegboard type tool holder with over 80 pairs of pliers and 100 screw drivers. It is that gray colored bar in the pictures. Other peg board tool holders line the sides and back of the cabinet. Most of my tools were purchased at garage sales and always buy a style of pliers I do not have.
The cabinet is held up with a 1 x12 inch 7ft board bolted on to each end and stands on the floor. Two lag screws anchor the cabinet to the wall with and 1" x 1" angle, driven in studs. The cabinet and work bench were made in the 1970s and a have been moved to 5 houses so I did not have to make them but once.
Right end of Cabinet

Left end of cabinet

The 6 ft x 3 ft wide work bench below the cabinet has the front 12 inches made from laminated 2 x 4 s on edge for solid hammering. A 4 x 10 inch Columbian wood working vise, that quick opens to 12 inches, is installed flush on the end to allow cutting off to the edge of the bench. The bench is always crammed with tools, parts etc.
There is open space under the work bench for my feet and a heater. I use a stool with swivel seat and back padding.

To the left of the work bench is a 18 inch Craftsman Jig saw, 15 inch drill press and 14 inch band saw.

There is a smaller 4 ft work bench with a 5 inch metal vise and tool cabinet on the wall opposite the larger work bench. A garage sale heavy duty file drawer like cabinet was installed below the work bench top (colored file drawers faces). The file contains lathe tools, aviation and tin snips, files, five drawers for small clamps etc. I have hundreds of clamps in other boxes and several long clamps made with 4ft and 6ft pipes. The bottom of this work bench is full of 7 1/4 in Skill saws, large 1/2 inch drill,several sizes of planes, spoke shave and saw blades for Skill and 10 inch blades for the table saw in the garage. There is a lockable sliding cover for the file cabinet drawers and lock for bottom doors as this bench was on a carport at one time.
Above the work bench in another cabinet with peg boards on the center section that holds several hack saw, brace and bits, Wonder pry bars, combination ruler, square and levels, etc. The right section has cubby holes and hold plastic shoe boxes with things like sewing needles and thread, and other stuff. I see another saber saw and often a hand drill is there also. This cabinet stands on the floor supported by two 1x12s, 7 feet long and has two !" X 1" angles anchored to two studs.
The left section has no partitions and is open. It has peg board and holds longer tools like old style hand saws, 24 and 36 inch levels, 2 foot long grabbers, long drill bits, crow bars, pipe wrenches, pieces of long straightened out coat hangers, etc.

The garage has messy power tools.