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Tomorrow is my son's birthday. Back in mid-December I picked up an NYC LionChief Plus GP20 for what I consider to be a great deal. I also picked him up a scale-sized caboose and an MTH operating dump car, both also NYC. (His great-great grandfather, grandfather, and grand uncle were all engineers on the NYC/Penn Central.) Aside from his Thomas and Percy LionChief sets and two post war operating cars that I've gotten him, these will be his first "real" locomotive and scale/scale-sized cars. A Lionel scale PS-2 hopper should arrive later this week.

He still has fun with his Thomas trains, but this past year he's shown more and more interest in my scale locomotives and cars. He loves the detail, things like opening hatches, and doors, etc. I brought him to the Amherst Railway Society show at the Big E for the first time and he had a blast. He picked out an MPC-era NYC transfer caboose. (It was a complete coincidence that it was NYC.) I have been sitting on the gifts for two months, excited to give them to him. They're all wrapped. I'm like a kid on Christmas Eve.

Last edited by Matt_GNo27
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@breezinup posted:

Whoa! Unusual choices, to say the least.

The legendary Karl's Sausage Kitchen isn't too far from where we live and his pediatrician said that as soon as he could eat solid foods, he could eat what we eat. So he had Sülze, Blutwurst, and small samplings of Sriracha and Nongshim Shin Ramyun (very spicy ramen noodles) before he was two. We probably introduced him to sushi between the ages of two and three and he had his first Indian food when he was three, I think.

I have little patience for picky eaters. Feeding children bland food does them a huge disservice.

@jim sutter posted:

The Boston and Maine PS-2 covered hopper was made by who?

Lionel 6-17039. It is an excellently detailed car. I have the MTH PS-2 and the Weaver ACF AC-2, and though they are attractive cars, their plastic cast steps and rungs are crude next to the Lionel's separately-applied brass details. The Lionel's opening hatches are a nice touch, and delight my son.

The other cars in the set are:

Lionel 6-82172 LionChief Plus GP20

Lionel 6-17338 MDT steel-sided reefer

MTH 30-7941 NYC Difco operating dump car

MTH 33-7802 NYC wood-sided caboose

and as previously mentioned, a K-Line K761-17584 NYC box car is en route.

A large reason why I went with scale cars is that my son loves the intricate detail. He thinks my Atlas O WFEX wood-sided reefer is the gold standard and he was disppointed that my MTH PS-2 hatches don't open, so I looked specifically for the Lionel PS-2 and an Atlas O or comparable reefer.

FWIW, I realize that this is an extravagent gift for a kid, and how lucky we are to be able to give such a treat to him. That said, it was assembled frugally over months and while the PS-2 appeared to be in an unopened state, my son is well aware that they were all purchased second-hand and he didn't get the aquarium car that he was hoping for.

The last of the birthday cars arrived Friday, a K-Line K761-17584 NYC box car from 2005. This was probably at the zenith of K-Line's scale cars, with a working latch on the door, a realistic brake wheel instead of the standard metal brake wheel of the nicer K-Line cars, and unlike the earlier K761s, realistic door guides and a more detailed undercarriage than the earlier K761s.


My son's Birthday NYC Train Set, now complete:



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