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I have been out of the loop for a couple of years and getting back into it so please bear with me.  My layout is about 15 x 15 and consist of what I call, two towns.  I have a Z4000 and each handle powers a town. I also use 2 bricks to power my 13 switches, drawbridge, and 5 uncouplers.  The only thing that I use the DCS remote for is to control my 4 PS2 engines.  I also have 2 older Lionel conventional engines that I can control by using a toggle switch and going into conventional mode and moving the handles on the Z4000.  I also have a control panel with a print out of my layout and this is where I can control my switches, drawbridge, and uncouplers.  I either run a PS2 engine in DCS mode or switch to conventional mode and run an older engine.  I just bought Barry's book, the 2nd edition, and even though my brain is completed overloaded, I think I need to make some big changes.  If I am correct, I need to go to Radio Shack and get a separate power supply for the TIU, and then I need to set up Z4k tracks, and then I need to buy 2 AIU's.  After re-wiring the layout, I will be able to add some accessories and really enjoy my layout.  I know that I have a lot of work to do, but please tell me that I am on the right track. 

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I don't have a layout built yet, but I will also be running one or two PS 2 engines and two, possibly three conventional.  Like you, I plan on having toggle switches so that I am able to run conventional or command on either of my loops (small layout 8'4" x 9'10").  I'll have the TIU with two channels powered, one fixed and one variable, a power source for accessories (switches), and one to power the TIU.  Seems like we are in similar boats.  Just wanted to say good luck.


Thanks to a few fellow forum members, I now know that information.

Last edited by mjrodg3n88

I see no need to set up Z4k tracks.  Just use your present set up and set the track voltage for 16-18 to run DCS.  When I got PS2 many years ago, I just stuck TIUs between transformers & control panel and have been running ever since.  I can run either conventional or DCS without throwing any toggles.  Even can run both at same time on same loop, althou gh it keeps one awake.


If you want great control over conventional locos, you could try to find a Z4000 receiver, which will enable you to control voltage output of your Z4000 handles directly from the DCS remote.


Yes, you'll need 2 AIUs to run 13 switches.  Be careful using the DCS/AIU to operate uncoupling tracks.  If you hit the wrong button under ACC, you'll turn on power to the uncoupler and burn it out, as opposed to the correct button which only sends power while the button is pressed.  Risk is enough that I haven't wired uncoupling tracks to the AIUs.

Last edited by RJR
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