I have some 072 layout corners and am looking for ideas to make them interesting. I am not coming up with anything clever myself so I am wondering what thoughts Forum members might have and what you have done with some of your corners.
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I have some 072 layout corners and am looking for ideas to make them interesting. I am not coming up with anything clever myself so I am wondering what thoughts Forum members might have and what you have done with some of your corners.
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I really like both of those scenes.The Hood's scene incorprates some of the layout into the corner. I was actually thinking about the Bike Shop or the Country Store for a corner scene. Those are both terrific, thank you!
A couple of raw and unfinished attempts to scenic the corners on my 9x16 round the wall operation. No work for many months due health issues but hopeful to resume this summer.
1st corner: A Denim Mill with its Powerhouse and Cotton/Cloth Warehouses, Village Retail Shops, Hotel, etc.[buildings and fronts by Joe Fauty of Model Structures]. Service Yard Towers in foreground.
2nd corner: Sawmill and Lumber Shed[Lumber/hardware Office and Blacksmith Shop not shown].
Very nice work Mark.
Water tank
You guys are terrific. I always looked at corners as liabilies but you have made them into assets. Thanks again for the pictures and ideas. Hope you're feeling better soon Dewey.
Sorry I can't show it, but I put about 12" of track, with a bumper, along one side of a corner...a siding from nowhere. I use it to demonstrate my AF Oil Drum Loader, into a gondola sitting on the "siding".
I have switches on the corner to a small siding too. If you have O72 or greater curves you can get a car or two in there. I have one that has my 282 crane. One has the 264 forklift and one that has the culvert loader. I use it as an area to switch out operating accessories.
That is a lot of great ideas. Enough for complete chapter for a model railroading book.
Another one
Ed [ekaz], congratulations by starting this thread you have opened up a whole world of new corner ideas.
Below is a photo of the platform I place on risers between the tracks to reach the rear corners of my round-the-wall layout--lot of groundscaping and detail yet to complete. All of my corner stuff is spot velcroed for removal if I have to remove the triangular liftout section they rest on. None of the Service Yard Towers located in the platform space are hardwired or otherwise fastened yet for easy removal during work sessions.
Dual mainline track curve arcs are 084 and 096,spur track is on 096 switch for placing hopper back at the Powerhouse coal pile.
I like the velcro idea for removeable buildings/fronts. Thank you.
Here's how we did some corners. The first six are aisle-side corners. The last one is against the wall.
Here, we buried the base of a Lionel hobo camp in 1/2" foam and put ground cover across everything. Added a few trees and debris and we were set.
Here, we put a Sure Sweet Feeds building and a road on the outside of the corner. We've been contemplating re-configuring the area by cutting in a siding and spur for the building.
This is an old photo. We've since altered the area slightly to add a cemetery in the foreground across from the service station.
Here, the harbor just extends to the edge of the bench work. We had stuff moved around because we were cleaning up for an open house.
Here, we have a Berkshire Valley general store. It's pretty delicate, but we removed the protective panels for Jim Barrett's visit to Southern California.
Here we put a cut between the route to the mountain branch and the mainline.
This one is against the north wall. The moonshiners are above the tunnel portal. In the far corner behind the upper trestle is a mountain against the wall with Mount Rushmore. It appears in one of my cheesy videos after we finished the mountain branch.
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