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Lou was one of a kind in a very good way. Helped many people in and out of the hobby and never told anyone about these good deeds.

Among many other things, Lou was a very creative Lionel/LCCA product planner. A lot of us still enjoy the end products of his handiwork.

Lou also had a temper, which he kept under control in most cases. However, I was privileged to witness one of his more magnificent blow ups. ( I had tables near his)  Lou had a nice set of Prewar metal skaters and skiers on his table at what I thought was a reasonable price. A fellow came by and offered him a very low ball price for them.  Lou politely refused.  So far well and good, except the guy came by at least six or seven more times with the same offer! Near the end of the show, he came by again with the same  offer, this time with a much different result.  Lou reached over, took a hammer and bashed the figures to bits. "Now you can have them  for that price" , he said. Word quickly went around the show about what had happened and a golden hammer was made to properly mark the event.

I gathered up the pieces, had them photographed and they became a Collector's Gallery. Felt it was the least I could do

One of many Lou Capone stories. I bet there are lots more we could put in here as part of his memorial to celebrate his memory.

Ed Boyle

You are right about the Halloween General and the tinplate projects, but there were many more LCCA and Lionel items that were produced over the years.  I would love it if someone would play historian on would run to a significant amount of great  material. Lou was prolific as well as creative when it came to product train design and making good things happen.

Ed Boyle

Lou was a no nonsense person whose common sense was hard to dismiss.  If he advised an individual or a company to consider a plan of action it would be their loss not to take it to heart.  There is at least one top heavy company who frequently shot them selves in their feet disregarding his counsel.

Another thing I noticed about Lou was if he was somewhat unsure of something he was up front and inquired for better understanding.

If you were close to Lou you could trust that he would protect your back.  Just an all around great guy.

Being somewhat familiar I can say one of the words that would describe the Caponi family above all else is "Kind".

After MTH stepped out of two rail early on Lou went out of his way for us by encouraging MTH to get back into two rail production.  Which of course they did.   Again,  Thank you Louie!

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