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Seems like overnight, all the vendors on eBay who sold Bachmann On30 stuff for good prices dried up or changed their prices. Now, even the Bachmann anniversary boxcars (which people only ever bought to strip and re-paint) are going for almost full retail.

I have a few questions about this.

  • Does this mean that Bachmann no longer offers bulk deals to high-traffic dealers?
  • Have they stopped making as much rolling stock? Some things like the diesel 'critters' were as common as rain and now you can hardly find them at any price.
  • Are people paying these much higher prices at all?
  • Could it be argued that inexpensive On30 was getting people into the hobby and now it might be self-defeating?

All i know for sure is I'm glad I got while the getting was good. Could routinely get freight cars for about $20 each and passenger cars for $30 max. Those days ended virtually overnight. I was buying and modifying cars as I could while I planned on the layout. So by the time the benchwork was down and the the track laid and wired, I already had all my rolling stock done (except for one caboose kit and to weather my locomotives). I'm so glad I did that, as I couldn't afford to do it now for the amount of rolling stock I have ready to go now!

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The cheap On30 is still there, only the prices have changed so it's no longer so cheap! When the freight cars first came out, the list price was less than $15 each, and the street price was even less. I bought a few box cars and flat cars for $8-$10 from one of the mail order dealers, but unfortunately those days are long gone. I guess now that there's a market for On30, it no longer needs to be low priced!


On the other hand, there doesn't seem to be many low prices on eBay for much of anything anymore, most all the vendors seem to think their old AHM, Tyco, and Model Power items are worth their weight in gold...


Bill in FtL

Agree with Lee. It wasn't too long ago ads in Model Railroader had 3 On30 freight cars for $39. The newest models are exactly the same, but at 3x the street price. I have no issues with prices increasing over time, I get it. But 3x in just a few years?


My guess is Bachmann is trying to make up for all the "free" gear sets they needed to produce and mail out. While the steam locomotives are all outstanding and have great value, I personally don't feel a Bachmann On30 reefer is worth $50 street, let alone $78 retail.


On the plus side, the prices have made me look at the many "ma and pa" manufacturers of On30 kits. There is a great selection out there and the final result blows away anything Bachmann can produce.


I'm with ya though. The days of On30 being "Narrow Gauge for Everyone" are over. A newbie will look at those prices and go back to the shelves and shelves of HO.




Edit -- I'll add that Bachmann has said they believe the market is saturated with On30 products, and more will be produces when the supply dwindles a bit. Also, I've watched the price of boxcars from The Favorite Spot go from $29 to $33 to $37 in just the last month. Amazing...

Last edited by ScottyB

always entice the market with low prices when you get them hooked reel them in and charge whatever the market will bear. its a shame that they are killing the market that they started with high prices. on30 was a great way to promote o scale now their greed may kill their golden goose too bad.

only saving grace most on30 layouts don't need 100 car hopper or 12 car passenger trains.

Speaking as a manager at our LHS, I don't believe anything has really changed re the relationships between the retailer and Bachmann.  i.e., Early-Buy and quantity discounts are yet available.


But, as the prices to the LHS go up, so must the shop adjust the selling prices.


Rather, I believe Bachmann's China production and U.S. market sales/economy are experiencing ye olde squeeze play which has been discussed ad nauseam in this forum, and could probably qualify for a 3-credit college-level course to capture the full spectrum of causes.


After the October York meet, hearing pre- and post- discussions re pricing, reading the newspaper nightly, listening to the talking-heads blather on TV/radio, seeing members of our church congregation going through increasing struggles of survival, etc., etc., etc., I have no idea why increasing prices of new toy trains imported from half a world away are so shocking to so many people.  To believe that since the advent of Bachmann's On30 product line the average American Joe has been keeping up with the rest of the world economicaly, et al, is....well...stupefying....IMHO.


But, then, that's just this one man's opinion. 



Originally Posted by dkdkrd:
I have no idea why increasing prices of new toy trains imported from half a world away are so shocking to so many people.

It's not that prices have gone up, that's a given. But that they have gone up so disproportionately to the rest of the model railroad market is unusual. We're not talking an exceptionally rare, high quality product here.


I also find it odd that the used market has also disappeared. Gone.


I guess we'll see what the market does. My understanding is that the new diesel is selling quite well. As for me, since the price jump a year ago, my On30 purchases have slowed significantly. About 90% of what I have spent on this hobby in the last year has been in another scale.


Still, I love On30 and the modeling being done. I keep hoping Bachmann has something up their sleeves and just wows us!



Nobody should be surprised that the prices are going up. I used to be a buyer for a grocery chain and I can tell you prices are raising very fast. Go to a grocery store and look at the prices, you will be shocked. 


I do think Bachmann priced their On30 at the beginning too near their actual cost of production. So now when buying has slowed they have to raise the price. That is backwards, somebody at Bachmann is not paying attention. 

And there was me thinking it was because I live in rip-off Britain. 

Porters that I could get for £25($40) now are going for £100($160) or more.

But some times you can pick up a bargain when it is miss advertised like the Sprit of England set I picked up for £32($51) listed under OO trains.

Well I'm glad it was not just me thinking the prices had gone up.James

Even with having two of the greatest train stores 50 miles away, Trainland and Nassau Hobby Center , trainland still has among the best prices of ON30. But being so far out on Long Island I'm happy to drive 20 miles to spend a little more but not to much. I remember buying flat cars for dirt cheap years ago when I first found on30, I'm kicking myself for selling it all in the past. I saw the Forney and I was back, I only had one car left a flat car do forney pulling one flat very sad.

Sales and demand are down for ON3 equipment, hence prices rise to cover costs of doing smaller runs. Black Friday retail sales were down 11% this year following 2013 where they were down 13%.  If general retail sales are down 24% over a two year period, the downward trend in the economy probably has some bearing on all train sales as well. Maybe most model train engine sales will go to build to order in the near future but not everyone pre-orders.  The next few years should be interesting to watch.

Tis, the season for high prices fa-la-la-la-la, la la la la!

I've shopped a lot for On30 watching the auctions. Haven't found "that" buy at the right time yet.

Seriously, more than one vendor has been way more Scrooge like for buying On30 from at a set price, and starting right after Thanksgiving, for at least three years running. Only a slight fade till after the big spring shows. Summer is best!  You have to be ready, and waiting for the forgot ones this time of year.

On3 is very nice, especially now that track is affordable and available from San Juan. Very tempting to be honest. But, with a 7 and 4 year old as my regular operators, it's unlikely for me.


Many O scalers have the means to buy $40 and $50 cars, and don't mind doing so. But they need to have $40 to $50 worth of value to us. I like to say the Bachmann freight cars make excellent $20 models, but horrible $40 models.


The current price of a Bachmann boxcar at The Favorite Spot is $36, and the current price for an AMS On30 boxcar at RLD is $37. Look at the two!


I'm not so sure the economy is to blame, at least not totally. The train shows I've been to lately have been packed, and people have been buying. But, we've all seen it: stacks and stacks of HO, plenty of N and O. Very rarely will you see any On30 equipment at a train show - either on display or for sale. The last two shows I've been to had none.


Bachmann really had something going there. And perhaps the price increase is unavoidable - they do need to make a profit after all. But I am guessing the On30 market has plateaued and at the current street prices, I don't forsee many newcomers to the scale.



Originally Posted by jim pastorius:

I was interested in On30 until I saw the pricing. No way. I thought of using HO track with slightly smaller cars on HO trucks. Using Marx and AF  cars or scratch build some cars.  There are some nice Marx injection molded cars around that they made. I have some, they are slightly smaller than the Lionel.

American Flyer hoppers, flats, boxcars, and others are a close physical size to On30. I've converted their steel hoppers to On30 by making bolsters and replacing some of the cast-on details.  You can pick up these cars for as cheap as $5 apiece.


BTW, Trainworld has a sale on now for some of the Bachmann locos.

Last edited by John23
Originally Posted by djacobsen:

You can lay the blame on Sanda Khan.  They're the manufacturer in China that makes the trains that Bachmann sells. 

They call the tune, B-mann dances & we pay the piper. 

Be prepared to pay even more in the future since Chinese workers are now wanting a liveable wage.




To clarify, Bachmann and Sanda Kan are part of the same ownership group, Kader Holdings.

Originally Posted by ScottyB:
  • The current price of a Bachmann boxcar at The Favorite Spot is $36, and the current price for an AMS On30 boxcar at RLD is $37. Look at the two!
  • Bachmann really had something going there. And perhaps the price increase is unavoidable - they do need to make a profit after all. But I am guessing the On30 market has plateaued and at the current street prices, I don't forsee many newcomers to the scale.

These are both good points.

At a hobby shop over the weekend, I heard someone compare Bachmann and On30 to a drug dealer. He said that Bachmann came out with inexpensive, good On30 stuff to get people's teeth into a gauge they'd normally never venture into, then jacked the prices up once people had a layout built and really couldn't afford to switch to something else.

Honestly, I got into On30 (and back into model trains since I left the hobby in the 90s) only because Bachmann made the prototype I'd always wanted (ET&WNC ten-wheelers) in a scale I could do something with. Heck, someone later came out with HOn3 versions of the ame locomotives and I might have gone HOn3 if they'd come out with their brass engines with a price tag I could justify to myself.

But if someone else had come out with the same locomotives in, say, On3, that's what I'd be modeling right now. For me, it was never a mindset of, "I wanna build a layout, what should I model?" as I only would have ever built a layout if I could model the specific RR I wanted. Bachmann just happened to be first in On30 so that's where I am now.

Again, I'm glad I bought all my rolling stock when you could easily get freight cars at about $20 each. As Scotty pointed out, they're not that great as $40 cars, but for $20, they were great for that price...

Hey guys we did it to ourselves!  Bachmann had NO intention of MAKING a new scale!  Their target market was LADIES that had Dept 56 Christmas layouts! PERIOD!  All of the first release were all Christmas themed.  WE as modelers saw these killer cars and engines at bargain prices, compared to BRASS ON3 stuff, and we jumped in.  The rest they say is history!  BTW it's still cheaper than ON3!  Russ

Originally Posted by ChiloquinRuss:

Hey guys we did it to ourselves!  Bachmann had NO intention of MAKING a new scale!  Their target market was LADIES that had Dept 56 Christmas layouts! PERIOD!  All of the first release were all Christmas themed.  WE as modelers saw these killer cars and engines at bargain prices, compared to BRASS ON3 stuff, and we jumped in.  The rest they say is history!  BTW it's still cheaper than ON3!  Russ

 Intensions mentioned, I don't argue with.

But "bargain prices" for nice scale locos aimed at "Ladies" were profitable. Now they've become barely profitable? And much more expensive, after the market size increased, and a firm sub-market has been established?

 There is no reason not to offer Christmas versions of the newer stuff too. You want the female 25-40 year old holiday buck carriers to all lose their minds? Paint a Porter red & white, and call it "The Holiday Tea Pot" A green low buck Whitcomb for a more modern look?  (that msrp hit about $150 more than most I know expected)


The more I look, it seems like shooting fish already in the barrel to me. Glub, glub...


  They have established a now intentional, and almost uncontested production of On30 as a scale now. Our fault only if we refuse to vote new with our money. (like that happens anymore). Can't blame Bachmann directly for the online market. But lack of supply, and very high in house msrp doesn't help .


I hold brass offerings to totally different standards, and I think their pricings are more consistent in meeting expectations across scales. Anything is possible for enough dough too. I think its exclusiveness is mostly deserved.   


There was an interview in the British model railroad press with a senior executive of Bachmann Europe a couple of months ago.  He said that Bachmann's costs in China were increasing significantly and that British model railroaders should expect large price increases across all Bachmann product lines.  Bachmann is one of the leading producers of trains in the OO gauge British market. 


He said that the Chinese government was imposing minimum wages and that competition for both raw materials and skilled labor among companies in all areas are driving the cost increases.  Both cell phones and model train manufacturing use plastic, electronics, metal and skilled labor.


It seems as if the Chinese are beginning to enjoy a middle class life style and expect to be paid wages that will support that lifestyle.  The good thing is that Chinese will start to have enough money to buy things made or grown in the USA.  



Andy, I remember those days of the wild west of On30 and I agree that it was interesting to see all of the variations people would create.  Bachmann came on the scene in 1997.  Within a few years, On30 was mostly all Bachmann and the days of the lone wolves building their unique creations ended.

One topic that, to my knowledge has not been defined is, what is On30?  What a stupid question you may ask (since everyone is buying Bachmann models), but consider that the Bachmann equipment is to scale and is based on 3' gauge prototypes.  The only aspect of the equipment that is 30" gauge is the spacing of the wheels on the axles. Even the trucks look to be made to scale sizes. Back in the wild west days, people usually matched up their engines and cars.  Some wanted 3' sized equipment, some leaned toward the 2' equipment, and others came up with designs that were smaller than the 3' prototypes and shorter than the 2' prototypes.

Then there is the coupler issue.  It is not realistic to have HO couplers on the passenger cars that hang that low below the endsill.  I converted some of the Bachmann models to Kadee On3/S couplers and the models looked great.

About prices, since I have not been into On30 for ten years I am not up on the current prices.  But remember it was 1997-2000 when Bachmann first had On30 offerings and they were not DCC nor did they have sound.  It seems that model railroading is leaving all of the DC/ACers behind.  I wonder how long until trains won't run without some sort of expensive control system.

Jack Hess posted:

One topic that, to my knowledge has not been defined is, what is On30?  What a stupid question you may ask (since everyone is buying Bachmann models), but consider that the Bachmann equipment is to scale and is based on 3' gauge prototypes.

That's not completely true. The Forney and inside frame 4-4-0 are 2' gauge prototypes. The 2-8-0 and outside frame 4-4-0 are 30" gauge prototypes. The Porters and Davenports could be ordered at various gauges.

Jack Hess posted:

Then there is the coupler issue.  It is not realistic to have HO couplers on the passenger cars that hang that low below the endsill.  I converted some of the Bachmann models to Kadee On3/S couplers and the models looked great.

It depends on your prototype. I did Maine Two Foot in On30 and the height that Bachmann set the couplers was perfect for doing that. Even the HO compatible couplers were close to scale size.

I have noticed that Bachmann has had a very huge price increase for any of their products. Look at the prices on their website compared to last year for the price shock!!

You can get some bargains for Bachmann stuff until the supply runs out, old stock is depleted, from on line vendors.

I might be going with MTH for new items or be forced to buy used stuff.

Lee Fritz

While I am in three rail, in that mythical five foot gauge, and not fine scale 4' 8 1/2", I have always been turned off by "On30", wondering why, as now exists, somebody didn't just create the whole system in a ready-to-run On3.  If I ever get that far, I hope to have a connecting line and interchange in On3.  A lot of articles were written in the magazines about how to correct rolling stock and locos from On30 to On3, all of which seems an unnecessary pain, and is now not affordable, due to cost of the starting base.  On the Bay I see a lot of On3 car kits...not so many locos, but that is where I will go.  Now if somebody will smarten up and offer affordable ready-to-run On3 locos.....I would be off and running.


Wages in China rose from 14% in 2000 to 50% in 2012. The Chinese are raising the price of manufacturing and all the big companies are under pressure, though. Since 2001, hourly manufacturing wages in China have risen by an average of 12% a year. The yuan has risen to an all-time high against a trade-weighted basket of currencies. Also the purchasing power of your dollar has declined in recent years. The national debt is more than $18 trillion. Foreign holders of this debt are always uneasy that the Federal Reserve will allow the dollar's value to decline so U.S. debt repayments will be worth less in their own currency. The Fed's quantitative easing program monetized the debt, artificially strengthening the dollar to keep interest rates low. Now that the program has ended, investors are concerned the dollar could weaken. So basically the entire recession or mini depression that we were experiencing back in 2008 has been prolonged by the Federal Reserve's monetary policies. 

So Yes everything is getting more expensive !!!!

Some locos are well priced, but the cars stopped being so a while back.

Literally one day, On30 freight cars went from $20-ish each to over $40 or more. Even the Bachmann anniversary boxcars (a car you previously could barely give away) shot up in price.

Then the gas mechanical locos vanished around the same time.

No big deal for me, as my timing was good that I got into On30 freight cars when they were much cheaper than they are now. I was just curious what happened.

Train6666 posted:

Word on the street is Bachmann has shelved Spectrum line in all Scales due to lack of sales,

I talked with the Bachmann people at the NMRA convention last year and while on an individual level they still were enthused about it, collectively the company sure didn't seem motivated. They didn't have a single new item to show that year (other than sound-equipped 2-6-0s from the original tooling).

I, too, am glad I got what I got, when I got it. I couldn't afford to buy all the rolling stock I have now (I have over 40 freight cars, 4 locos made by Bachmann, and other non-Bachmann rolling stock). Frankly, I wish I'd discovered AMS's boxcars before I bought all the Bachmann ones because they're much better cars overall. I ditched all my Bachmann shorty coaches in favor of longer AMS ones. The difference is like night and day for those...

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