Welcome to Switcher Saturday 12/21/24 Holiday Season Edition!
Hello and welcome to the holiday edition of Switcher Saturday ( SwSat ) !! This is the thread that celebrates all things switching locomotives .. also referred to as critters, dinkies, shunters, and yard goats. This thread welcomes your photos, videos, and information related to switch locomotives. All scales are welcomed here form Z-G and life size 1:1 scale too!
I hope everyone has been enjoying the holiday season! Lots of train gardens ( as layouts are called in the Baltimore ) at various venues such as fire houses, community centers, and shopping malls. The B&O Museum in Baltimore hosts lots of club layouts each year and people flock to the museum just to see these layouts. I'm hoping to go there myself this holiday season.
In the last edition of SwSat, I suggested posting switchers of a holidayChristmas vtariety or pulling holiday/Christmas trains. If you care to do so we'd love to see them! And of course if not please post whatever switcher you like. We love to see them as well!!
WHEN POSTING: Just keep in mind to post only photos you've personally taken. If you post someone else's photo be sure to have their express permission to post their photo. Posting copyrighted photos is a violation of copyright law. Please refer to the OGR Forum TOS for more in depth information pertaining to copy written photos.
This week I'm showing some holiday switchers in photos from previous holiday seasons and one new video. I apologize for not having a better video. As a musician December is a super busy month both as performer and conducting student concerts. I was hoping to make a better video but time to do so was not on my side .. lol!
I would like to take this time to wish each and everyone of you a heartfelt very Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukah, a Happy Kwanza, or whatever other holiday you may celebrate, may it be may it bring you much happiness!!
For the next edition of SwSat .. please show the new switchers that Santa brought you. Have a safe, adventurous, and joyous weekend everyone!!!
A VO1000 leads the Christmas Train parade through Patsburg.
A Baltimore & Annapolis SW9 hosts Mr. & Mrs. Claus on the front deck.
The B&A SW9 is shown here pulling a truncated Polar Express ( due to budgetary reasons ) sleeping car and PE caboose. This is a Lionel scale 18 inch sleeping car which I purchased from TrainWorld earlier this month.