IT's TEAM TRACK TUESDAY. Share your railroad's team track activity here. Team tracks are a vital part of real railroad daily operations. Team tracks are found in remote rural locations, small town, and large cities. Practically all kinds of freight cars can be off/on loaded on team tracks. MOW and some passenger equipment can also handled on team tracks.
If you've taken any team track action photos lately go ahead and post them here. Everyone is welcome to particiapate from those with museum quality micro detailed layouts to those having a simple loop of track with an undesignated spur used to unload/load freight, MOW equipment or passenger equipment such as baggage cars, RPO cars, or combines. Real railroad team track photos are always welcome too. If you miss posting on Tuesday, no worries, just go ahead and post any day of the week.
This week on the Free State Junction Railway's team tracks one and two we have lots of action going on. Team track two has a milk car being unloaded while team track one has buffalo being off loaded onto a cattle trailer. Two boys on bikes watch the action from several yards away. At one point the buffalo becomes a bit feisty and begins to charge the guy with the whips. The boys become excited as the workers can't believe what they are witnessing, which in turn conveys an aura of panic to the boys. Suddenly the buffalo calms down upon hearing a voice from around the side of the trailer .... its the voice of Buffalo Bob.... the buffalo whisperer.
Remember to join the fun and post your team track photos here. Thanks for stopping by the team track and have a wonderfully creative week