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Bryant Dunivan 111417 posted:
CSX Al posted:

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to give everyone an update on Jim's surgery. He had the procedure done on Friday and it seems all went well. 7 1/2 hours. Jim is resting up and will be going though 2 weeks of rehab once he is given OK by his doctor.  He is in a pretty complicated neck brace to keep his head from moving.  I will be talking to him after a few more days of recovery.


Please wish him well for Bryant and Theresa.  I was going to volunteer a couple of hours in his booth at York in October.  Jim has been a great resource and friend.  I'm glad things went well for him.  Fingers crossed, and still praying for a full recovery.

Will do Bryant  

Well I have great news to report from forum member Jim "Bridgeboss" . His recovery is going great but still has more physical therapy to do. He has surprised his doctor with better than expected head movement. He can turn his head 45 degrees up and down and side to side. They were thinking he would have to turn his body side to side to look in those directions. So all of your prayers have helped out. Thank you to everyone, Jim appreciates it. 

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