In my previous post Now a new issue had reared its ugly head
Sunday and yesterday I have been working on the two weaver U25Bs. I finally was able to sync the first engine which I had had upgraded a long time ago with MTH engines when lashed up. The initial fix and was fine as long as the two Weavers were lashed up. On Monday I called G about the issue and the fix I had in mind( I didn't post it as it was a dumb question and did not feel like entertaining the forum). I used the PDF file that John had posted. The issue was same for both engines. The weaver U25Bs use Lionel type trucks and motors. The tach Taps have 24 tick marks on them and in theory the speed will be the same with the different size fly wheels. In this case it was not true. The first Weaver even after the initial fix still wouldn't sync with an MTH engine. The Weaver that JDS did has the same issue.
The fix.
CB&Q U25B: the fly wheel measured 29mm. The 30mm tape was put on but the to engine still ran to fast(24).The 27.7mm was to short but left a gap which allowed me to add three additional tick marks(engine ran to slow).I pulled the tap off and replaced with another 27.7mm and added two tick marks (26 which worked). All I had to do was to fine tune the acceleration rate on the CBQ to 1 and deceleration rate to 1 (the MTH engine was set at 3 and 2) and the lash up was in sync. Next will be the correction to the JDS upgrade. In this case it looks like they removed the original fly wheel and replaced it with a bigger one. Why I don't know but the engine also runs to fast to be lashed up with the MTH engines(24).
Lessoned learned: An upgrade to a none MTH engine is not really complete until you can create a lash up with a MTH engine and they are in sync.