Hi everyone!
I have modified the volume levels on all of me engines to my liking. Most tend to have the engine & accent sounds at about 30%, the horn & bell kept at 100%, and the cab chatter turned off completely. This works well for the size of my layout.
When I create a lashup, the volume levels of the selected engines seem to revert to their defaults of 100%. The sudden burst of sound is quite jarring. Exiting the lashup and selecting a single engine again doesn't go back to my custom set volume levels either, meaning I have to set each engine up again.
As a side note, the smoke also turns itself back on every time I select a lashup.
I have some PS-2 engines and some PS-3, if that matters.
Is there a way to prevent lashups from doing this? Is this a bug in the DCS system or am I doing something wrong?