I do think that the LCCA Goliath will put the catalog offerings of the brutes to shame and it's a limited edition of only 50. The Green Comet is a very sharp 400E but I must say that the Red Comet is the most beautiful of the 400E's. If you purchased the Red Comet (pre-ordered from 2012 catalog) it's 100.00 dollars cheaper. The catalog shows 2 new #6 engines on on p. 38 for 949.95 and the same W&ARR. on page 39 for 899.95. The NY Empire Stae Express #6 is also 899.95 and just as handsome. I will order all of the above engines except the Red Comet which I have already done (2012). Not sure about the pink 400E but that could be in honor of breast cancer awareness.
Keeping on track of things down the pike