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I've bought a bunch of these cheap 20 light LED strings that run on a battery pack with a pair of AA batteries in series. I'm using them to light some buildings. The batteries are fine for temporary power, but the packs and power switches are in awkward locations. My thought was to run a buss specifically for them and power it from a AC/DC buck board which is fed from a train transformer. What do I need to worry about, other than running the transformer to some constant voltage setting ,say 9-10 volts, and dialing the buck board down to 3 volts? Do I need a current limiting resistor? If so, what sort of value?




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I was thinking similar thoughts - but was considering one of these 5v cell phone charger batteries...(my strings run on 3AAs) - rather than rely on transformer power. Also contemplating a box car project with 20 LEDs in the roof! (Lionel boxcars have 10 roof indents per side!)

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