Anyone know if MTH intends to incorporate the Legacy protocols into the DCS system? If they did would an upgrade then allow DCS to control all the Legacy functions?
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I suspect only some planning folks at MTH know that as of now.
I think the more likely scenario is for DCS friendly apps (all one of them) to pass Legacy commands to the Ser2. MTH is not known for the speed in updating their software so I don't think you will see much from them anytime soon.
I think both John and Chris are absolutely correct.
I also believe all the Legacy commands from external or 3rd party devices have to come via the SER2 and not the Legacy base serial port. So the typical TMCC base to DCS base connection via the cable would not support the Legacy commands. DCS would have to communicate to the SER2 somehow
They can just plug into the SER2 as I understand it, the same as the command base. I agree, since that's the place the Legacy commands are recognized, they'll need that or the WiFi module.
Dumb question. What is the SER2?
Its one of the new devices that is coming out with Lionel's wifi/app system AKA LCS System , though I do not believe that this requires wifi. I think in some regards it is a signal booster for the Legacy signal from the CAB2 base
It doesn't require the WiFi module, my point was that's the two ways that the full newly documented Legacy serial commands can enter the system, the SER2 module or the WiFi module.