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I got into an old box of Lionel trains and found that a small transformer had a frayed power cord where it goes into the unit. I'm pretty careful about messing with this kind of stuff and I think I know what to attempt to do to fix it (solder and shrink wrap). But it looks a bit discolored and I'm not sure if this thing will work after all.

It's a Lionel model 1012 transformer without the screw terminals (are those available anywhere).

I took some pictures. What do you think?



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Thanks Lee! But would it hurt to plug it in and maybe start a small fire that I could quickly run away from as I bolt out the back door? I'm thinking that the scorch marks were created by the broken power cord; I don't know, I wasn't there. The coil on the transformer looks to be in good shape (it's hard to tell from the pictures).

I tried to pry off the control handle but I heard on the net that they were not made to come off. So I have no way to look at the rest of the situation. I think I'll try to fix the wires and if that works out, I'll give it a try. If I burn off my eyebrows, I'll put up another picture.

Thanks BMORAN4! Are there really other BMORAN's? Never mind. I'll check myself, later.

I forgot to mention that I had cut the old cord off because I saw the shape that it was in and didn't want anyone to try plugging it in and blowing a fuse. The old cord is strangely stiff and the spot near the entry to the transformer was brittle and flaking off. I guess Lionel starter sets from the '50s had to save on material somewhere.

Tomorrow I may get a chance to stop by one of the box stores for a new power cord and some shrink wrap. I might just wander around in there for a while and take inventory. Do they still make regular old two prong power cords anymore? I may need a three prong adapter as well.

Thanks again BMORAN4! There are no other BMORAN's on this forum. I checked.

Not only did you point me in the right direction, the link you posted knows where I live and where the items are in the store: Aisle 45, Bay 006. That's amazingly helpful. Thanks again! And yes, I'm still fascinated by the Internet!

This old cord has seen better days.IMG_4380


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Last edited by Consolidated Leo

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