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Many MTH Operating Accessories (Dispatch Board, Gas Station, Diner, Firehouse, Car wash, etc) are triggered with a momentary activation button.  Can you trigger these with a Lionel 153IR controller?  I think I can figure out the corresponding wiring connections but the 153IR provides more than a 'momentary' connection between hot and ground which will trigger the accessory.  Will this work?  Asking before I blow up one of my MTH operating buildings.  Thanks.

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@DrTrainDad - Have you looked in the back of the 153IR manual? There are several examples of how to wire things. While they are all Lionel accessories, I would think if you know the color wiring set up for the MTH item, you might be able to wire them the same way, i.e. what would be the red wire would follow the same path regardless of what accessory(ies) it was coming from.

I did a quick Google search "Wire MTH accessories with Lionel 153IR" and came up with lots of results. Hopefully the MTH accessory(ies) you have will match some of the search results.

Thanks.  Most of the links / posts I found relate to using the 153IR with lights or signals.  This case is a bit different.  Stan2004 on the forum offered a nice, detailed diagram for the MTH operating passenger station.  I am not certain whether the animated building accessories operating the same way, though.  I can dig into it further, but I thought somebody might have already tried- specifically connecting an MTH operating dispatch board to a 153IR so that it activates when the train passes.

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