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I'm gonna keep it small this time around, since much of what I want has been made already, including by Lionel.

  • B36-7's with LEGACY, kinematic pilots, Kadee mounts, and road specific details
  • GE Arrow 3 Rail Commuter Cars with LEGACY, kinematic pilots, Kadee mounts, and road specific details (specifically the NJ Transit cars)
  • Scale road-railers (maybe use the Weaver Models tooling?)

Id like to see some Illinois Central (Panama Limited or City of New Orleans) decorated 21 inch cars to complement the E6 engines from two years ago. Kind of like Ron above, the engines have been made, but not the cars to pull behind them. Same is true for many of the Sunset 3rd Rail E6's from a few years ago. Lots of great E6 liveries, but unless you are running Sant Fe or a few selected others, we have no RTR passenger cars for many of the engines produced.


Last edited by Charlie

-Reading Car # 15 (either clerestory or balloon roof) to match the recent Reading passenger cars

-Rutland "Route of the Whippet" caboose, in boxcar red/brown, using the tooling of the recent NYC video cabooses (doesn't even need the video component)

-Upgrade kit to convert older Lionchief/Lionchief Plus locomotives to give the ability to run these engines with Legacy.

Great ideas everyone, how about offering some 0-4-0 Steamers with slope back tenders scale switcher, in several road names,  like the older post war/prewar 1656/1615 models. I’d like it to have a smoking whistle and the normal Legacy dynamics. I’ve wanted one of these for years. I would like it wired from the tender track pick ups through the locomotive track pick ups so it would run through all turnouts. It could be a brass hybrid model, just a cool feature rich little Shifter Steamer. Thanks for listening. Merry Christmas Everyone.

@MikeH posted:

Unfortunately, the MSRP on a Lionel 4-car set would probably be $800

I agree with you Mike, but just for perspective, $200 a car is still the entry level price point for RTR scale passenger cars today. The next level up would be the Golden Gate Depot offerings at $300.00 per car. Are the GGD cars $100.00 better? that is up to the buyer. Some will say yes and some will say no, but you can bet that what ever the price is now/today, will be more the next time anything is announced due to the rising cost of production.

Obviously E-*** pricing and history is a pretty good indicator of secondary market value and it is pretty clear that engines/rolling stock that were "over priced" only a few years ago are now reselling for full list and more?

Seems kind of funny, what was "too much" a few years ago is now Ok... go figure.

So yes, $200 is a lot of money now for some folks, but I predict in a few years, $200 cars will be cheap.

It's all perspective.


Did Lionel post a  21" GN Empire Builder  Great Dome car??

I don't think so, unless I missed it.  They do have the tooling, though, and with a few minor modifications it would be spot on.  Lionel did catalog an Empire Builder short dome car this year.

It would be great to see a reasonably accurate scale 1956 Empire Builder.  K-Line made one more than 15 years ago, but it was missing a couple of car types, and the window arrangements for some of the cars were a bit off.  Golden Gate Depot made an Empire Builder set just a few years ago, but it was the 1947 version with the dome cars added, which is not at all accurate.  By the time the dome cars were added in 1956, the other cars had all been replaced since 1947.  Maybe Lionel will make it somewhat more accurate for the train with the domes?  Maybe GGD will reissue an accurate version someday?

Last edited by Jtrain

LionScale O scale

ROCK ISLAND and THE ROCK blue ACF CENTER FLOW 5250 cu. ft., 4-bay covered hopper sets

The Rock Island had a small number of ACF CENTER FLOW 5250 cu. ft., 4-bay covered hoppers

Some of them were in the original paint scheme to the end of THE ROCK

Some of them were repainted in the blue THE ROCK scheme in the late 1970's.

There needs to be an ACCURATELY numbered and printed version of all of them produced in 2 sets.

ROCK 13978-13987

Built in 1967


Falcon Service

LionScale O scale

ACF Center Flow 3560 cu. ft. 3-bay covered hoppers

C&O Chesapeake & Ohio original paint scheme


DM&IR Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range

DM  Detroit & Mackinac reporting marks on the Duluth, Missabe & iron Range covered hoppers that have the body and graphics in a weathered or worn appearance.


These ACF CENTER FLOW covered hoppers need to be equipped with the high-end roller bearing trucks


Falcon Service

For me I have been loving a lot of what has been offered The last 3-4 years.

036 curve rated CN diesel legacy and would love to see more like the H10. Tons of features that can navigate 036 curves.  Would they / could they fit cylinder steam and whistle/dynamo steam in a 036 rated locomotive?  May creep to vision line but would like to try and get those features in a 036 locomotive.  Like maybe a USRA Pacific.  

@Sparty1225 posted:

For me I have been loving a lot of what has been offered The last 3-4 years.

036 curve rated CN diesel legacy and would love to see more like the H10. Tons of features that can navigate 036 curves.  Would they / could they fit cylinder steam and whistle/dynamo steam in a 036 rated locomotive?  May creep to vision line but would like to try and get those features in a 036 locomotive.  Like maybe a USRA Pacific.  

I love the bells and whistles and my biggest curve is O-36.  I'll second introducing more of the cool new smoke/steam features in smaller-radius engines, especially steam coming out down near the wheels!

Last edited by BC1989
@trainbob posted:

Oneonta what did you not like about the custom run yellow jacket Lehigh Valley C-420 from Mr Muffins. While we are at it how about a snow bird C-630


No comment on the offering other then the fact that custom runs tend to be small quantities, if it is a catalog item the quantity and distribution could be greater. Lionel did an LV yellow jacket many years ago but it was not Legacy. Agree on the C-630, either red or snowbird......I missed the opportunity when Atlas O offered these.   

LionScale O scale 50' box cars with Roller bearing trucks

Sabine River & Northern 50' box cars built in 1978

SRN  5300-5399

Central Vermont 50' box cars built in 1979

CV 600125-600199

Grand Trunk Western 50' box cars built in 1974

In the original 1974 paint scheme and lettering applied by Berwick Forge & Foundry

GTW 309300-309399

MARINETTE, TOMAHAWK & WESTERN 50' box cars built in 1978


MTW 4400-4599


The 1940's era A.A.R. double-door 50' boxcars with opening end doors for ramp loading still have not been produced in the 1950's and 1960's paint schemes of the GRAND TRUNK WESTERN.

GTW 591500 series in the 1950's scheme


GTW 591200 series in the 1960's scheme


Those would match the previously produced GTW diesel locomotives and freight cars.


Falcon Service

Considering that I'm sure Lionel has already long since worked out what they will put in their 2021 offerings, perhaps this thread would be better named "Lionel 2022 Catalog Wishlist"

Comparatively "easy" things to do that wouldn't likely require new tooling:

- Larger sizes of manual Fastrack switches (up to O-72).  The command are fantastic but there are some spots on the layout I may not use so often where manual would be fine (and my wallet would be finer).

- ATSF bookend scheme GP30, SD40, and/or SD45

- B&O GP30 (hasn't been made since TMCC era)

- B&O F units in passenger colors (also haven't been made since TMCC)

"New" items that may require more work/tooling:

- New sound sets for the EMD diesels (this one-size-fits-all sound set is getting a bit old)

- F45/FP45: could be done in ATSF warbonnet, ATSF blue and yellow, ATSF bookend, Montana Rail Link, Milwaukee Road, Great Northern blue, Burlington Northern, and Wisconsin Central, as far as I can think.  If modular tooling were used with a few tweaks especially to the front pilot, Amtrak SDP40F's could be made from the basic tooling too.)

Considering that I'm sure Lionel has already long since worked out what they will put in their 2021 offerings, perhaps this thread would be better named "Lionel 2022 Catalog Wishlist"

Comparatively "easy" things to do that wouldn't likely require new tooling:

- Larger sizes of manual Fastrack switches (up to O-72).  The command are fantastic but there are some spots on the layout I may not use so often where manual would be fine (and my wallet would be finer).

- ATSF bookend scheme GP30, SD40, and/or SD45

- B&O GP30 (hasn't been made since TMCC era)

- B&O F units in passenger colors (also haven't been made since TMCC)

"New" items that may require more work/tooling:

- New sound sets for the EMD diesels (this one-size-fits-all sound set is getting a bit old)

- F45/FP45: could be done in ATSF warbonnet, ATSF blue and yellow, ATSF bookend, Montana Rail Link, Milwaukee Road, Great Northern blue, Burlington Northern, and Wisconsin Central, as far as I can think.  If modular tooling were used with a few tweaks especially to the front pilot, Amtrak SDP40F's could be made from the basic tooling too.)

The NYS&W had a couple of F45's also.

A slight reworking of the Standard O Exterior-Braced 50' Double-Door box car so that it has revised bolsters for accurate roller bearing trucks and wire grab irons.

New high-resolution graphics for the Standard O Exterior-Braced 50' Double-Door box car for these railroads

McCloud River Railroad

Longview, Portland & Northern

WESTERN PACIFIC  early 1970's

Western Pacific late 1970's

Southern Pacific



Falcon Service

A few ideas I want to see from Lionel in the next catalog:

-Vision Line UP Big Blow 3rd Generation Gas Turbine (plus the original and Veranda Turbines)

-Fastrack Turntable w/ Command Control

-Intermodal Crane w/ Command Control and Sounds

-SD70ACe-T4 w/ Legacy

-Legacy ET44 GEVO

-Amtrak (and other liveries as well) Siemens Charger

-F45 and FP45

-GP60, GP60M, and GP60B

-SD7 and/or SD9

-Weaver Roadrailers

-Command Control Fastrack Uncoupling and Operating Tracks

-A new Operating Track Controller (OTC2 for LCS)

-ATSF Super Chief and/or El Capitan passenger trains

-New Legacy Crane/Boom Car sets

-Amtrak Superliners, Surfliner Cars, and California Cars, including Stationsounds cars

Well, 2021 will mark 10 years since the last time the H16-44s were cataloged. I have an LIRR one from the initial run in 2011 and it is one of my favorite locomotives in my collection. I personally would love to see an LIRR H16-44 in the Tichy scheme. It would match the new MTH LIRR RS-1 perfectly!

How about one of NYC "plumbers nightmare's" H10 class Mikados with the overhung Elesco feedwater heater in the vision line?  What other NYC steam is due for a reissue?   Mohawk in the Vision line maybe or Niagria with the twin sealed beam headlight using twin LED"s instead of lenses.  AD

Sunset Models/3rd rail is coming out with the NYC H10. A brass or a brass hybrid model was the only way we were going to see a model of this specific locomotive.

Comparatively "easy" things to do that wouldn't likely require new tooling:

- B&O F units in passenger colors (also haven't been made since TMCC)

Could you explain what you mean by B&O passenger colors? Do you mean the more blue that's darker than the powder blue of the postwar F3s?

Somewhat echoing your thoughts, I'd love to see a set of O27 Alco FAs with LC+ 2.0.  I know they made them with LC+ a few years ago, but I never grabbed onto LC+ because it didn't work with TMCC/Legacy or DCS. If in LC+ 2.0, I might grab some.

Could you explain what you mean by B&O passenger colors? Do you mean the more blue that's darker than the powder blue of the postwar F3s?

Somewhat echoing your thoughts, I'd love to see a set of O27 Alco FAs with LC+ 2.0.  I know they made them with LC+ a few years ago, but I never grabbed onto LC+ because it didn't work with TMCC/Legacy or DCS. If in LC+ 2.0, I might grab some.

I just refer to it as B&O "passenger" colloquially, to differentiate with the solid blue or sunburst schemes.  I believe the Geeps were painted in this scheme when they were used for passenger and the solid blue when used for freight, but I could be wrong.  A B&O historian would have to correct me on this.


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I'd also like to add the SP and D&RGW Krauss-Maffei ML4000 Diesel Hydraulic locomotives to my list. I'm a huge fan of interesting and rare engines. The ML4000 is a German design adapted for US railroads. There is one ML4000 restored to operational status at the Niles Canyon Railway in northern California.

The restored M-L4000 is a hood units, not like the cab units the D&RGW and SP first bought.

Plus, 3rd Rail is bringing the cab units out.


I also want Lionel to make SD75Ms and SD75Is. The SD75M would be a simple modification to the tooling on Lionel's SD70M/SD70MAC body shell with the bulge on the right side. The SD75I could use the SD80MAC/SD90MAC isolated cab.

SD75M Possible liveries:

-ATSF (Warbonnet)

-BNSF (Warbonnet, BNSF/ATSF Patched Warbonnet, H3 Swoosh)

-NS (They purchased 7 from NRE)

SD75I Possible Liveries:

-BNSF (Warbonnet, H3 Swoosh)

-Canadian National

-Ontario Northland

The SD70M, SD70I, SD75I, SD75M could mean making all new injection molds. It is unfortunate that the K-Line by Lionel SD70MAC/SD75M injection molds did not get to stay with the rest of the LIONEL molds when they were moved out of the Sanda Kan or Kader production line.

I might have to buy a Santa Fe SD75M and a CN SD75I if they actually made them.


The Lionel TMCC Phantom (there were four versions) locomotives are so cool. The models look like something from an old sci-fi movie or TV show. They sound like it, too. Lionel should re-release all versions of the engines for their Lionchief Plus 2.0 line with TMCC control, new motors (2 of them), new sounds, and each loco should also include a 4-pack of matching passenger cars. I would get the Phantom III which is silver and black. Maybe the Phantoms could also be made with some new freight equipment 4-packs and add-on freight and/or passenger cars that match the engines, so operators could run either a freight or passenger train with their futuristic locomotive.

The Lionel TMCC Phantom (there were four versions) locomotives are so cool. The models look like something from an old sci-fi movie or TV show. They sound like it, too. Lionel should re-release all versions of the engines for their Lionchief Plus 2.0 line with TMCC control, new motors (2 of them), new sounds, and each loco should also include a 4-pack of matching passenger cars. I would get the Phantom III which is silver and black. Maybe the Phantoms could also be made with some new freight equipment 4-packs and add-on freight and/or passenger cars that match the engines, so operators could run either a freight or passenger train with their futuristic locomotive.

I really like this idea! Perhaps the Phantom in various road names or colors.

The Greenville Steel Car Co. corrugated gondolas built for Chicago & North Western, Missouri Pacific Lines, and Southern Pacific Lines that are now all owned by the Union Pacific.

These corrugated gondolas have to be made in similar process to the way steel vegetable cans and aluminum sardine cans are produced.

Corrugated gondolas stamped and folded out of actual sheets of metal.


Falcon Service

Illinois Central 2-10-2, 2-8-0, or 2-8-2 steam

Illinois Central heavyweight passenger cars

21 inch aluminum passenger cars (who has the K-Line tooling?)

Legacy Dreyfuss Hudson

2 rail locomotives

Single motor drive for diesel locomotives similar to HO and N scale mechanisms

2 rail O scale FasTrack

Last edited by IC EC

I'll make my annual pitch for Lionel to offer foreign engines, like the Mallard or the Flying Scotsman.  The Scotsman toured America so maybe it could provide a good bridge to future offerings?

I'm a fan of all the interesting new features Lionel has come up with, like swinging bells and cylinder steam.  I really look forward to seeing reciprocating steam on the GS series!

I'd encourage Lionel to continue making products available in O-36 and below.  (And I have encouraged them financially by buying the latest Lionmaster Big Boy, which runs beautifully.)  I have a Lionmaster Challenger with Legacy and I hope Lionel will offer more Lionmaster units that include all the best features, like whistle steam and Legacy control.

New Legacy base only, with built in WiFi.     It's time to release a Android version of the iCab app.   Doesn't need to be called iCab.   Just Lionel Cab3 or Legacy (Lionel) mobile remote.   The App could also control LionChief.   A new all in one app for both iOS and Android platforms for a new all in one Legacy base.

Last edited by Mike McCutcheon

What I'm hoping is in this catalog...

A Morristown & Erie caboose to match the Alco switcher...
Some type of M&E Rolling stock - gondola, boxcar, etc...
A SCALE maintenance-of-way hi-rail vehicle - pick-up truck, utility truck etc...
Fastrack-integrated ROW signals, signal bridges... or bring back the Mainline accessories

I have learned to never say Never when it comes to Lionel.  Who would have thought we would see some of the engines they have done thru the years.  I would gamble to say that nothing from the NYC is "off" the table of possible engines as that road name sells well.   The Southern Crescent engines would be my second choice to see from big L.  AD

I hesitate to say Lionel will never make a specific model but brass is the only construction technique that makes sense if you are trying to get the NYC H10 look you are going for with piping details correct. 3rd rail will get the details and look correct look you are looking for. I just hate to see an NYC fan miss out.

Lionel offered a brass hybrid N&W 4-8-2 locomotive but didn't get enough orders to build them. They might have gotten enough orders had 3rd rail not made their similar N&W 4-8-2 earlier.

Last edited by SGP

In terms of wishes (in addition to correct shades of graphite on someboxes!!!)...

- (As others has mentioned) Strasburg 90:  would be nice to finally have in O scale. I don't think this would be as 'niche' of an engine to make as Strasburg is considered one of (if not the) most quintessential tourist railroad in the US. Many have fond memories there and I can see this being a good seller. The MTH SRC coaches sold out in just 2 days at my LHS (they ordered 20+ in addition to preorders).

- PRR P5: (did MTH ever manufacture the ones that they advertised in their 2020 V1 catalog? Haven't seen them advertised on any LHS websites ) I would like someone to produce this again (with or without the MTH tooling), unlikely that it will be Lionel though. Yes, 3rd rail has offered these before but I wasn't as involved in the hobby during their latest offering.

- PRR MP54: an old K-line tooling that Lionel made years ago under the K-line by Lionel name. It would be nice to see these be produced again with some upgrades. Not probably, but possible.

- PRR K4s with short haul tenders: the same ones they did in 2011. Prewar, also not a fan of the long haul tendered ones they have made in the last few years. Given it's been 10 years now, I could see them reissuing this in the not-so-distant future, if not this year.

- PRR M1s (anyone starting to notice a certain theme here?? ): same as they have done in 2014. Like the K4's it's been a while since so I could see these on Lionel's "to-do list".

My wallet would be in big trouble if they decided to make more than just one of these in the catalog! SRC 90 is at the top of the list first for a reason, but I would like to see Lionel produce all of these before 2030. (I could also be convinced to buy a Reading 2102, but I dont see this for a few years given they just did the T1s last years).

Now, in terms of predictions: Lionchief berks (mostly driven by demand for RTR level Polar Express engines). I could also see them doing scale berks as they havent done these in a few years and there is demand for Legacy PE engines as always. I also see them doing more passenger cars using the Reading 18" passenger cars as they haven't done a whole lot with this tooling yet.

Hopefully we will all be pleasantly surprised and each find something that satisfies our interest in the catalog. I sure do miss the days when there were 5+ catalogs throughout the year. Even when not purchasing from them, they are fun to flip through!

@DaveP posted:

What I'm hoping is in this catalog...

A Morristown & Erie caboose to match the Alco switcher...
Some type of M&E Rolling stock - gondola, boxcar, etc...
A SCALE maintenance-of-way hi-rail vehicle - pick-up truck, utility truck etc...
Fastrack-integrated ROW signals, signal bridges... or bring back the Mainline accessories


METCA has recently done two M&E 6464 style boxcars. The most recent one is still available at their website.  Good luck...

The Chicago & North Western colors and eras can get mistaken.

There are 3 yellows for Chicago & North Western

1960-1980 Original Yellow

1980-1990 Safety Yellow that is also called Zito Yellow

1990-1995 Traditional Yellow

You have to be even more clearly defined about the era of the Chicago & North Western caboose.

Do you need an O scale CNW Bay-Window Caboose from 1990-1995 in Traditional Yellow ?


Falcon Service

The Chicago & North Western colors and eras can get mistaken.

There are 3 yellows for Chicago & North Western

1960-1980 Original Yellow

1980-1990 Safety Yellow that is also called Zito Yellow

1990-1995 Traditional Yellow

You have to be even more clearly defined about the era of the Chicago & North Western caboose.

Do you need an O scale CNW Bay-Window Caboose from 1990-1995 in Traditional Yellow ?


Falcon Service

Original yellow.  I stop at about '69 on my layout.

Yes Peter Araujo, Fantastic idea, I would love for Lionel to re-make the K-Kine J1e Scale NYC Hudson, only if they make it the Right Way. I prefer some extreme changes, a Large Pittman motor rear mounted, no substitute, 4 chuffs per revolution, fan driven smoke, and whistle steam, swinging bell, Legacy Control, a realistic headlight, crew men that look like they are at work, a detailed deck plate, steam exhaust, and that would sell Well. So, with the engine, they could also  make a nice 18 inch heavyweight passenger set with people, a StationSounds diner, a Observation car with simple passenger talk. How would you all like this idea. Just dreaming. Happy Railroading Everyone B82D0860-FBA0-417D-96E0-D9821989437E


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@DaveP posted:

What I'm hoping is in this catalog...

A Morristown & Erie caboose to match the Alco switcher...
Some type of M&E Rolling stock - gondola, boxcar, etc...
A SCALE maintenance-of-way hi-rail vehicle - pick-up truck, utility truck etc...
Fastrack-integrated ROW signals, signal bridges... or bring back the Mainline accessories

Public Delivery track did a nice Atlas M&E Hopper and Boxcar.

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