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Hi!  Anyone receive their North Pole Central 4-4-2 #2431720 (Based on Hiawatha set) and matching passenger cars?

I am very interested to see what this looks like and wandering what people thought.   I almost ordered one, but wanted to wait and see.  Thanks in advance!

Last edited by nightwolf00
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Was able to stop by my local hobby shop and see these on display…. They didn’t have the engine just yet (might have been on a pallet in back) but the cars look very nice…. I’ll say that after rec’ing my ‘24 Hiawatha set and now seeing these cars, I’m pleasantly surprised with the work.  The Hiawatha is super sharp and rich with color…. This set didn’t disappoint either….  


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@tom21pa posted:

i didnt see that anywhere.  went to their website and dont see it

They actually took the image down because they're updating it. They said it should be back up at the end of the week, It's a beauty for sure! I have a better understanding of the preorder program. So in order to eliminate sudden price increases and lack of fulfillment I placed my order early.

You're going to love it.


This is the first chance I have had since leaving the store and uploading those photos and video to type some more information...

This locomotive and car set is gorgeous. Really unique and stunning. My phone camera lens wasn't really as clean as I'd like, so the photo details are not great. The roofs of both the loco and cars are snow-white, like the Sleighbell Limited offerings. The sides of the loco boiler are a shiny silver, similar to the 'Locomotive of the Year' Hiawatha silver. The bronze-gold colors of the trucks and wheels are really unique, and give a special look to this consist. This is also the only new Hiawatha to offer whistle steam, though it comes from the same area of the locomotive as the popoff valve steam does. So it's really just a software choice. But again, a distinctive feature of this engine.

In my opinion, and only mine, the cars would look terrific pulled behind any traditional black steam locomotive, such as a NYC hudson for example. However, the engine with its large bronzed wheels might look less good pulling passenger cars with silver trucks such as the Sleigh Bell 21" cars for example. Just my opinion... However, this loco and these cars together would make a pretty incredible sight on any model railroad! I'm buying the complete set FOR SURE!

FWIW: I just ordered a 4 and 3 car set from Charles Ro and Butch told me he only had a couple sets left in stock. Lionel's site is showing "Few Left" whatever number that means I don't know.

As for online videos, I've noted that these have been dropping off over the last few years for just about everything train related, although there are few enthusiasts who have their Youtube channels. Personally, I've seen friends and acquaintances stop posting over the last decade or so, although they're still active in the hobby.

Last edited by Paul Kallus
@Paul Kallus posted:

FWIW: I just ordered a 4 and 3 car set from Charles Ro and Butch told me he only had a couple sets left in stock. Lionel's site is showing "Few Left" whatever number that means I don't know.

As for online videos, I've noted that these have been dropping off over the last few years for just about everything train related, although there are few enthusiasts who have their Youtube channels. Personally, I've seen friends and acquaintances stop posting over the last decade or so, although they're still active in the hobby.

Did you order the engine as well?  I was thinking about ordering these cars vice the Halloween Woodsided Passenger Cars. Need to make my decision soon!


OK, because no one else would do it, here's the complete set running in my attic Fastrack layout. My basement table layout is under construction...

I included the Vision reindeer car, which is a perfect match for the colors of this set. In fact, this set helps to finally explain the colors of this car, which are not a great match for the Sleighbell Limited cars and locomotives. Other than the green roof, the colors and scheme are dead on, which is super nice! Also, the name of this train, according to dialogue in the observation sounds car, is "The North Wind", which I really like.

Personally, I think Lionel knocked this one right out of the park. These Hiawatha engines are bargains, whichever version you choose. I got 4 of them, and they are all terrific. But honestly, there is something extra special about the Christmas version, with the unique gold/bronze wheels and hightlights, the white & silver boiler, the Reindeer Road symbols and lettering and of course the great sounds - just lovely!

Enjoy folks,  David O.


Videos (1)
The North Wind

OK, because no one else would do it, here's the complete set running in my attic Fastrack layout. My basement table layout is under construction...

I included the Vision reindeer car, which is a perfect match for the colors of this set. In fact, this set helps to finally explain the colors of this car, which are not a great match for the Sleighbell Limited cars and locomotives. Other than the green roof, the colors and scheme are dead on, which is super nice! Also, the name of this train, according to dialogue in the observation sounds car, is "The North Wind", which I really like.

Personally, I think Lionel knocked this one right out of the park. These Hiawatha engines are bargains, whichever version you choose. I got 4 of them, and they are all terrific. But honestly, there is something extra special about the Christmas version, with the unique gold/bronze wheels and hightlights, the white & silver boiler, the Reindeer Road symbols and lettering and of course the great sounds - just lovely!

Enjoy folks,  David O.

Thanks a million for taking the time to film and post! I may have to sell one of my Halloween F19s and put the funds toward this set. Too many great holiday offerings these days!

Thanks again,


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