OK, because no one else would do it, here's the complete set running in my attic Fastrack layout. My basement table layout is under construction...
I included the Vision reindeer car, which is a perfect match for the colors of this set. In fact, this set helps to finally explain the colors of this car, which are not a great match for the Sleighbell Limited cars and locomotives. Other than the green roof, the colors and scheme are dead on, which is super nice! Also, the name of this train, according to dialogue in the observation sounds car, is "The North Wind", which I really like.
Personally, I think Lionel knocked this one right out of the park. These Hiawatha engines are bargains, whichever version you choose. I got 4 of them, and they are all terrific. But honestly, there is something extra special about the Christmas version, with the unique gold/bronze wheels and hightlights, the white & silver boiler, the Reindeer Road symbols and lettering and of course the great sounds - just lovely!
Enjoy folks, David O.