I use a Lionel SC2 with Gargraves DZ1000 switches. One of the six switches being operated with the SC2 and Legacy remote has a problem. Whenever I set said switch to the "switch" position it immediately goes to the "switch" position but the begins to slowly creep back towards the straight position. This causes train to go straight instead of switch tracks as desired. I have checked the wiring on the SC2, the DZ_1000 and it's related switch . Wiring is good. I'm wondering if this is a failure of the SC2 or what? Thanks, fellas.
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Is it the switch connected to the #1 position of the SC2? If so, did you cut the extra ground that is unique to that channel? That's something that bites people using anything other than the old O22 switches they were thinking of when they did the SC2 design.
If the trace is cut. SC-2 Provided wall-wart power, is required.
If you don’t cut the trace but just use the wall wart does that solve the problem?
The Wall wart back-feeds power through the trace that is cut. The cut trace isolates the (6th set) of NC/NO contacts, for turnout control.
Mike is, of course, correct. With that trace cut, you have totally isolated relay contacts for all six channels. This eliminates any possibility of a cross connection with a ground you don't want.
Thanks to all that responded. Most helpful.
Is there a recommended technique to cutting the trace? Dremel, or is that too powerful?
I use my Dremel, I just turn down the RPM to really slow and just "scuff" the trace off. Don't come at it at 25,000 RPM!
I cut it with a knife-the problem was resolved